June 29, 2012

Friday Favorites: Summer Reading

I’ve decided to make myself a summer reading list. We’re only a week into summer, so this seems an appropriate title. My Disclaimer: I do not intend to finish all of these books this summer, but I just wanted a guideline to narrow my choices down. I’ll be excited if I get more than 3 read before fall. Lol I just finished reading up The Girl Who Played with Fire and have started The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest. After that, I'm hoping to read Divergent, but currently there is a waiting list at both of my libraries! I’m totally game for some input on books...whether they are on this list or not!!

Summer Reading List (organized by author)

  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bardbury
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
  • City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1) by Cassandra Clare
  • City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2) by Cassandra Clare
  • Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides
    -I own this and have been wanting to read this for awhile, but I’ve held off because I do a lot of reading in the breakroom at work and when people ask what I’m reading - well some may think it’s inappropriate. Idk, maybe I’m just being silly - they do constantly blabber on about religion after all. :P
  • If I Stay (If I Stay #1) by Gayle Forman
  • Where She Went (If I Stay #2) by Gayle Forman
  • Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
    -okay, so I’ve heard lots of conflicting things about this book, I bought it for a buck at a used book store. What are your thoughts?
  • The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
  • For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
  • Never Let Me Go by Kazui Ishiguro
    -I’ve seen the movie, hopefully it doesn’t ruin the book - which I still really want to read.
  • The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
    -Yes, I read this in highschool, but I feel a nagging to read it again (because it was so horrifying).
  • The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson
  • Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth
    -I thought this series sounded interesting and a friend has assured me I'll enjoy it!
  • Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth
  • The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe by J. Randy Taraborrelli
  • Uglies (Uglies #1) by Scott Westerfield

So, any thoughts??  Oh and by the by, if you're a big reader you should join me on Goodreads!

xo, kass

June 28, 2012

Another Lovely Lady!

Morning All!  I have another swapper feature for you, enjoy!!

Krista is super sweet and super organized!  I strive to be organized [though I never am] and love reading her blog for great tips!  Besides that she's a great cook [yes I can tell ones cooking ability via pictures!] and she's a fellow Iowa blogger!  Check her out!

Hello there! I’m Krista and I blog at Crescendo. I blog about organization, coffee and yummy things! I believe in finding the beauty in daily life and taking every opportunity given. I have a crazy, busy life, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I have a long distance boy and a beautiful 3 month old kitten that I have absolutely been loving this past month. Be sure to stop over and say ‘Hi!’

3 of my favorite blogs to read are A Beautiful Mess, Rockstar Diaries and IHeart Organizing

Thank you again for having me, Kassie! 
Happy Bloggin, Krista

June 27, 2012

Some Inspiration: The Great Gatsby

Let’s talk about one of the Greatest stories of all time, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. If you’ve never read this book, then you’ve been living under a rock...or must hate reading. This was one of those books that I had to read for english class or some crap and I actually ended up loving it. It’s been made into a movie already with the lovely Mia Farrow and Robert Redford (actually there are several Gatsby movies), but there will be a new one out this December...and I can’t wait! Now, I haven’t told Brian this part yet, but I think it would be super fun to get all dressed up for a date night...inspired by the film of course. AND, as my Who What Where eNewsletter informs me, retro - specifically the roaring 20s, is totally in. Ha! :P (This is a bit of a side comment, but I thought if I ever get married I might like to do a Gatsby sort of theme, so yea.)

For funsies I made a couple outfits with Polyvore. Two of them are possibly affordable options made up of clothes from Modcloth and Ruche. The third is silly pricey and made up from searching on Polyvore. Ha!

And here, after all that might as well watch the movie trailer! :)

xo, kass

June 25, 2012

Music Monday with Meghan Sara!

Meghan Sara is taking over the blog today!  She's super great and super entertaining.  This a true gift to you all.
Hi!  My name is Meghan Sara, and I blog over at Adventures in Mediocrity about my life in New York City, my love affair with Netflix, cutting up t-shirts and other such delightful nonsense.  And I'm interrupting your scheduled broadcast of Music Monday to lay down some sweet grooves and some hot knowledge.

Dancing is good for you!  It elevates your mood!  It releases endorphins!  Probably!  I've always loved to dance.  There were childhood videos of me as a baby interpreting A Chorus Line and bopping along to ABBA with the TV.  I can hardly resist bopping along to my iPod on the subway most days!

I've compiled a playlist of some of my favourite dance tunes for your listening pleasure!

And if you're not sure where to start...here is a guideline to some sweet dance moves to help you out. You're completely welcome.

Thanks for watching!  If you like this kind of stuff, swing on by Adventures in Mediocrity.  We'll have a laugh, maybe a nosh, and dance like idiots, whaddaya say?

June 22, 2012

Foto Fridays!

Something new on the blog, yep! I’ve decided that some friday’s I’ll do my Friday Favs and others I will share some of my photos with you! This week I’ll be doing the latter as I’ve been hauling my camera out more lately. These photos are actually from a year ago, ha.  BUT I just got them uploaded to facebook and the ones I was planning on sharing aren't done being edited.  So yea, enjoy!

 All of these photos were taken at this house.  I had driven by it everytime I went to Brian's and thought it looked cool.  Eventually, I talked him into going there for some photos.  
Good thing too, because they tore it down!

being impatient silly

Is it just me or does this house belong in a horror film?

Oh and by the by, you can stalk my photography on facebook if you like. :)

June 20, 2012

Style Log: Hippie Tracks

 [dress/thrifted :: belt/f21 :: necklace/modcloth :: sandals/old]

I’ve come to realize that my blog has made a major [unintentional] shift...that I’m okay with. I haven’t done a style post in so long! Or a recipe post...which I would still like to do both on occasion. I have some outfit photos just waiting to be shown and I have one recipe to share. I should probably get on that. I also have some random photography I’d like to share and some not so random photography. Seriously, I need to get organized, it’s hard to find time for all the stuff I want to get done AND I’m still not unpacked from moving! Life.

Brian took these photos for me, not bad! It was nice to have them taken them for me, but I’m not going to lie...I kind of like taking them myself. I feel more relaxed or something (no offence hunny!). Regardless, it was still fun to do the shoot together and it was kind of fun editing photos I didn't take! :P Brian also made some comment about me going for a “hippie” look. Which I suppose is the case, I’d call it boho-chic but it’s all the same as far as I’m concerned. Regardless, I was comfy and cute - the perfect combo.

I do think I’ve found my new photo location. These tracks are a couple blocks from the house and are semi-remote, right on the edge of town. I mean the neighboring house can watch me, but I won’t come across too many other people, so that’s cool. :)

xo, kass

June 18, 2012

Music Monday: Prejudice

Yes, prejudice.  A serious topic usually...but not in this case!  [even though there is some total truth to this song! ha!]

This is for all you rockin' gingers out there.  

xo, kass

June 15, 2012

Lovely Ladies...that you should know :)

So, I was going to call this post Swapper Spotlight...but all the sudden that sound gross to me.  Right?  Anyway, here are a couple of the lovely ladies that have done an ad swap with me!  They rock and thus deserve a little extra notice, be sure to go say hello!!

My name is Meghan Sara, I'm a wannabe actress in New York City! My blog, Adventures in Mediocrity, is full of random delights from my life, pop culture, and The Big Apple! 

  There are a small handful of blogs that I make a true effort to read each day and this is one of them!  Meghan Sara is witty, funny and just down right entertaining!  Beyond that I find her writing to be incredibly relatable with a seriously honest voice.  I'm quite sure that if I ever met her in "real life" (lol) that she'd be super personable and we'd be insta-friends!  So for real, go read her blog.  Now.


Hello, all!  I'm English, and I blog over on Be Freckled.

I don't have children, I don't do much crafty DIY projects, and I rarely invent new recipes, and hence don't blog about any of that.  So if you visit, you'll probably see examples of my photography passion, book reviews, and some travel posts as I explore Germany [where I currently live] and surrounding countries.  I'd love to have you pop over to say hello if you get the chance!  I can also be found on Twitter if that's more up your alley.

Blogging is definitely a creative outlet for me, but also a way to meet some wonderful people.  Other blogs I read as often as possible are Joyness SparklesLWLH, An Unstyled Life and Red Writing Hood.  They are women I talk to often, and read with dedication.  I would love to share my enjoyment of these blogs with others, so please let me know if you decide to follow them as well!  Then we can giggle over how awesome they are :)

I'm a new follower of Be Freckled and I think English is straight up adorable!   Plus, seriously how cool is her name??  Her writing is sweet and definitely comes from the heart!  She has some great photography and two really, REALLY cute dogs!  Plus, what can I say...she's a ginger.  :) 

Jane Caroline
blog :: twitter :: instagram @janecaro

May 18th I married my college sweetheart Clayton, & together we're exploring what the heck it means to be married. So far it mainly consists of pizza, books, Dave Ramsey, grad school, & attempts to be athletic, but we try to feel like grownups. 
Our first year of marriage will be spent with 600 girls when we move into a girls' dormitory as I serve as Resident Chaplain in August. My heart & any free time is in an inner-city community just across the river (literally). I write about life and faith... & why faith is sometimes downright hard, but oh so worth it.

Her fav blogs are: Today's Letters, Mere Words of Love, The Daily Inspired  

I have literally read Jane's blog for like...a day! :P  However, she's a beyond adorable newlywed who lives her life by some solid beliefs, and I get the impression that she's a "stick to her guns" sort of girl which I can totally respect!  From what I've read I would also describe her as sweet, caring and supportive.  I think she's super cute and I'm guessing you will to!


Hope you all enjoyed meeting some lovely ladies!  I love meeting new people and helping other people meet new people, ha!  So, if you're up for an ad swap just let me know!

Have a great Friday!
xo, kass

June 13, 2012

One Lovely Blog

Hi ya'all, back from vacation!  Miss me?? So in my last post I promised that I would still be posting even though I was gone.  Oops!  Just didn't have time to set that up and the wifi/3G at the resort sucked, sorry!  But if you've been following my pinterest [@kassie_nichole] then you've been getting plenty of updates!  


While I was gone the lovely English over at Be Freckled (seriously us gingers flock to one another) nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award.  Thanks so much dear!  I think it's pretty cool and in order to accept this I need to nominate 15 other blogs and provide you all with 7 things you don't know about me.  The latter may be tough because I've been laying it all out there lately, but I'll do my best.
Without further ado here are the 15 blogs I'm nominating for the...
5.  Crescendo
6.  two birds
And here are 7 things you may or may not know about me!

Seven.  The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka haunts me.
For real.  I read this book once in high school (half assedly) and I have never forgot it.  Or never forgot the main detail anyway...that some dude woke up as an effin cockroach.  This is quite simply horrifying.  I will literally be sitting and thinking about something else, anything else and this book will creep into my head.  The image I most often see is of a cockroach lying [stuck] on its back in a small bed.  I honestly can not imagine anything worse than waking up as a cock roach.  Seriously, try me.

Six.  I've been engaged.
Yep, when I was 20.  The single worst thing I've ever done in my life is say "yes" when, even at that very moment of saying yes, I knew I should be saying "no".  For the record, I've never been married.  I came to my senses and called it all off (before much planning got done as well!).

Five.  I know a bit of German.
Not much though, I took it all through high school, but have forgotten most of it. Hmmm.  Ich bin sehr mude.  Ich liebe dich.  Ich spreche Deutsche, aber nicht so gut.  I don't even know if those are correct. Ha!

Four.  My full first name is Kassandra.
You probably knew that...or guessed it maybe? (<--obv this doesn't apply to people who've known me for years, ha) Whatever, I go by Kassie, Kass, Red, Ginger...etc.  Usually just Kassie though.  Also, just 'cuz I'm on the subject it's pronounced KassAndra not KassOndra.  And some more name trivia...apparently Kassandra is Greek and means something like "entangler/confuser of men." Haha, story of my life.

ThreeI joke around when I'm uncomfortable.
And basically, I just think people take life to seriously.  Shit happens, laugh about it.  BUT I think sometimes I laugh at inappropriate times or joke/make light of things that maybe I probably shouldn't.  Hey, it happens.

Two.  I'm a self diagnosed Claustrophobic.
Small rooms don't generally bother me, but just the idea of being trapped does.  Probably the weirdest example of this is seat belts.  I always wear my seat belt, because hey I want to live.  BUT, you know how sometimes they do that thing where the lock and you can't stretch them forward or whatever??  OMG.  I freakin' hate that and I totally spaz.  The thing is I know it's crazy to freak out - I mean seriously, what do I think is going to happen?  Still, I just can't help it, ugh.  Oh, and I hate spiders, BUT I don't think that's crazy.  Brown Recluse anyone?  Yea, exactly.

One.  I can not, for the life of me, carry a tune.
 Which is a total bummer 'cuz I like singing!  I used to be in choir in such...I wonder if I just sucked and didn't know it?! Ha!  AND I've been musical otherwise...piano and french horn.  You definitely have to be able to understand and hear pitches to play french horn, those things are a beast to tune.  But yea, can't sing.  Regardless, if you get me drunk enough I'm totally game for some off key karaoke!

So there ya go!  Nominee's be sure to let me know if you do your own post! :)
It's late here [11:45] and generally I would save this post for the morn, but I feel like posting it now.

xo, kass

June 8, 2012

Friday Favorites: To the Lake!

Happy Friday my lovely readers! I am happy to announce I will be MIA until Wednesday. Okay, not really MIA...as I have a couple posts planned for you and I will no doubt be posting incessantly on Instagram [kassie_nichole]! Anyway, tonight I’m heading up to the lake for our yearly family vacation, so for this Friday Favs I thought I’d share my summer lake must haves!

1.  No. 1 on my list is definitely sunblock and aloe. Why the aloe? Because it doesn’t matter how much or often I put on sunblock I will end up a tad pink and thus need the aloe. Plus, it’s good for cuts and other burns, so who knows! Ginger Tip: Put the aloe in the fridge, feels sooo nice on irritated skin!

2.  Swim Suit! It’s quite possible I won’t go swimming (last year I got a staph infection and I’m sure it was from the lake!!), but you never know. Besides, when you’re out in the boat for a few hours it can get hot and and a swim top and some shorts will do the trick! [oh and don’t forget a beach towel!]

3.  I always pack a couple sundresses that can double as suit cover ups. Light, cotton dresses are perfect for lounging around at the cabin or for dinner and cocktails in town. Plus, they don’t take up much room in your suitcase! Ginger Tip: For even more space in your suitcase, ROLL your clothing!

4.  Being on vacation at the lakes is all about simplicity for me...and protecting my skin! A big floppy hat is the perfect accessory to a sundress AND it products my face against the sun! I also always make sure to have a couple pairs of sunglasses. A cute head scarf is another good route and will help wrangle those frizzy flyaways [gah humidity!]

5.  Speaking of flyaways, the wind and sun can be rough on your hair and cause lots of tangles, so I always like to bring some sort of leave in or spray on conditioner to keep my hair looking healthy!  The Garnier Conditioning Creme is my favorite!

6.  I would like to state that I am a horrible packer...as in I’m indecisive and end up over packing, especially when it comes to shoes! However, I always pack a good pair of running/hiking shoes and at least two pairs of sandals. Regular old flip flops (usually a pair on their last summer) that can get dirty and gross at the beach (those old navy ones are perfect for this!) and a cute, but comfy pair for shopping days in town.

7.  Reading material is a must! I generally bring a couple magazines that have been vying for my attention and a couple books! This year I’m taking up The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and (b/c I’m almost done with that one) The Girl Who Played with Fire.

8.  I love playing card and board games, so I always try to get some games going when there is a big group. Family favorites are Phase 10 and Apples to Apples!

9.  Since we go to a lake in flat NW Iowa near the Minnesota border a light jacket or hoodie is a must! It's crazy windy and can get a bit chilly.

10.  My camera! Oh geez, oh man...can’t go anywhere without the camera!

11.  Yes there a no. 11. Last but not least, a tote! If you’re going to wander down to the beach or whatever a tote is a necessity to carry your sunscreen, book, oo bug spray...you know whatever, but you should have a bag of sorts. :P

Have a great and sunny weekend!
xo, kassie

June 6, 2012

Lost Passion? [style log]

Wet dreary days always leave me feeling contemplative...and calm. So last week we had such a day and I started to think of things I am passionate about, or tried to. I attempted to make a mental list and I’m sorry to say it wasn’t easy for me at all. Is that sad or what? I mean, I find lots of things interesting enough...but I wouldn’t call myself passionate about them.

I want to be passionate about photography, but am I? If I were, wouldn’t I find more time for it in my life? Or maybe I'm just overthinking it. I’m passionate about reading I think. I have a thirst for it. I enjoy reading immensely and I feel strange or off when I’m “in between” books or just lack the time to read. I think maybe I would like to write a book someday...about what? Who knows.

[sweater/f21 :: skirt/thrifted :: belt/f21 :: boots/merona via target}

I think I have a passion to be creative. To find creativity somehow. It’s hard though, most of my day I am surrounded by an environment that stifles me. I wish I could find a way to transform that somehow, but I haven’t a clue how. Maybe if I just start with my desk space and fill it with things I find inspiring or things that make me smile. I have pictures of loved ones, so that’s a start. I think I’m going to do more though. Wait . Wow, ok I literally just got an idea. I’ve been wanting to create more digital art, so maybe I should take some quotes I like and make some typography artwork...something like all those lovely quotes I find on pinterest. Yes, I think that sounds like a good idea. Then I can print a few and hang them around my desk.

I do think I am passionate about photography...and art in general. Just because I don’t always create things doesn’t mean I’m not passionate about it, right? Right. I mean, I don’t create music, but I’d call myself passionate about music. I couldn’t survive my day to day without it.

I know I said this not too long ago, but it’s important enough to say again. I want need to focus more on the people and things that bring me the most joy. I always put things off and procrastinate, but life is short, so why wait to start tomorrow when I can start today?

Ha, let’s just help I can hold myself to that thought.


June 4, 2012

Music Monday: Kate Nash

“Right, birds can fly so high
and they can shit on your head.
Yeah, they can almost fly into your eye
and make you feel so scared.
But when you look at them
and you see that they’re beautiful
that’s how I feel about you.”
Birds, Kate Nash
Kate Nash has an interesting voice. I don’t know much about her except that she has an accent when she sings, she’s British and has red hair (which I think may actually be natural?). Regardless, I really enjoy her music and I love that song above, Birds. It’s catchy and the lyrics are fun...as is the case with many of her songs. :)

June 1, 2012

Friday Favorites: Grace Potter

So, if it hasn’t already been made very apparent, I’m a huge fan of the band Grace Potter & the Nocturnals! I featured them on a Music Monday once and I saw them in concert recently. Honestly, it was the best show I’ve ever been too. I mean, I guess I’m a bit biased since I already love their music, but it was more than that. You actually felt the music, Grace just feels so genuine when she sings. Her voice is just goose-bump amazing and you get the feeling that she is singing from her soul. Probably because she is. She writes or co writes their music...GPN are what I call real musicians. :)

I can’t find a lot online about her...well that’s not true. I’ve found some interesting interviews, but not a collective bio or anything. From what I’ve read in the interviews I’m totally convinced she should right an autobio... (hint hint to Grace!). She’s quite funny and seems to have some pretty entertaining stories to share. One interesting little fact, apparently she is legally blind and when she performs live she doesn’t wear glasses or contacts!  What's even more impressive about that is that she dances around stage and goes between singing, ripping on the guitar and rocking out on the piano.   Basically, she's pretty freakin' amazing.

Even though I [obviously] don’t know Grace or much about her, I find her incredibly inspiring. I enjoy the fact that we’re about the same age, it makes me feel like I can relate in some instances. Only some, because I am obviously not a rock goddess. But also, she comes across so down to earth and very appreciative of everyone who has helped her get where she is today. You can tell she’s worked hard in her life and actually deserves her notoriety. Oh! And have you seen what this chic wears? She has fantastic style and always looks so gorgeous!!

xo, kassie