June 8, 2012

Friday Favorites: To the Lake!

Happy Friday my lovely readers! I am happy to announce I will be MIA until Wednesday. Okay, not really MIA...as I have a couple posts planned for you and I will no doubt be posting incessantly on Instagram [kassie_nichole]! Anyway, tonight I’m heading up to the lake for our yearly family vacation, so for this Friday Favs I thought I’d share my summer lake must haves!

1.  No. 1 on my list is definitely sunblock and aloe. Why the aloe? Because it doesn’t matter how much or often I put on sunblock I will end up a tad pink and thus need the aloe. Plus, it’s good for cuts and other burns, so who knows! Ginger Tip: Put the aloe in the fridge, feels sooo nice on irritated skin!

2.  Swim Suit! It’s quite possible I won’t go swimming (last year I got a staph infection and I’m sure it was from the lake!!), but you never know. Besides, when you’re out in the boat for a few hours it can get hot and and a swim top and some shorts will do the trick! [oh and don’t forget a beach towel!]

3.  I always pack a couple sundresses that can double as suit cover ups. Light, cotton dresses are perfect for lounging around at the cabin or for dinner and cocktails in town. Plus, they don’t take up much room in your suitcase! Ginger Tip: For even more space in your suitcase, ROLL your clothing!

4.  Being on vacation at the lakes is all about simplicity for me...and protecting my skin! A big floppy hat is the perfect accessory to a sundress AND it products my face against the sun! I also always make sure to have a couple pairs of sunglasses. A cute head scarf is another good route and will help wrangle those frizzy flyaways [gah humidity!]

5.  Speaking of flyaways, the wind and sun can be rough on your hair and cause lots of tangles, so I always like to bring some sort of leave in or spray on conditioner to keep my hair looking healthy!  The Garnier Conditioning Creme is my favorite!

6.  I would like to state that I am a horrible packer...as in I’m indecisive and end up over packing, especially when it comes to shoes! However, I always pack a good pair of running/hiking shoes and at least two pairs of sandals. Regular old flip flops (usually a pair on their last summer) that can get dirty and gross at the beach (those old navy ones are perfect for this!) and a cute, but comfy pair for shopping days in town.

7.  Reading material is a must! I generally bring a couple magazines that have been vying for my attention and a couple books! This year I’m taking up The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and (b/c I’m almost done with that one) The Girl Who Played with Fire.

8.  I love playing card and board games, so I always try to get some games going when there is a big group. Family favorites are Phase 10 and Apples to Apples!

9.  Since we go to a lake in flat NW Iowa near the Minnesota border a light jacket or hoodie is a must! It's crazy windy and can get a bit chilly.

10.  My camera! Oh geez, oh man...can’t go anywhere without the camera!

11.  Yes there a no. 11. Last but not least, a tote! If you’re going to wander down to the beach or whatever a tote is a necessity to carry your sunscreen, book, oo bug spray...you know whatever, but you should have a bag of sorts. :P

Have a great and sunny weekend!
xo, kassie

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