June 1, 2012

Friday Favorites: Grace Potter

So, if it hasn’t already been made very apparent, I’m a huge fan of the band Grace Potter & the Nocturnals! I featured them on a Music Monday once and I saw them in concert recently. Honestly, it was the best show I’ve ever been too. I mean, I guess I’m a bit biased since I already love their music, but it was more than that. You actually felt the music, Grace just feels so genuine when she sings. Her voice is just goose-bump amazing and you get the feeling that she is singing from her soul. Probably because she is. She writes or co writes their music...GPN are what I call real musicians. :)

I can’t find a lot online about her...well that’s not true. I’ve found some interesting interviews, but not a collective bio or anything. From what I’ve read in the interviews I’m totally convinced she should right an autobio... (hint hint to Grace!). She’s quite funny and seems to have some pretty entertaining stories to share. One interesting little fact, apparently she is legally blind and when she performs live she doesn’t wear glasses or contacts!  What's even more impressive about that is that she dances around stage and goes between singing, ripping on the guitar and rocking out on the piano.   Basically, she's pretty freakin' amazing.

Even though I [obviously] don’t know Grace or much about her, I find her incredibly inspiring. I enjoy the fact that we’re about the same age, it makes me feel like I can relate in some instances. Only some, because I am obviously not a rock goddess. But also, she comes across so down to earth and very appreciative of everyone who has helped her get where she is today. You can tell she’s worked hard in her life and actually deserves her notoriety. Oh! And have you seen what this chic wears? She has fantastic style and always looks so gorgeous!!

xo, kassie

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