May 31, 2012

Awkward & Awesome Thursdays!

 {photo courtesy of my friend Lindsay!}
**Moving out of my’s been my home for the last three years!
**My coworker coming to my desk, letting out little (but deadly) farts and then walking away as if nothing happened. Seriously?
**Forgetting to scramble up the magnetic poetry on our fridge when Brian’s Dad and stepmom stayed with us. Our poems were not family friendly! :x
**The amount of STUFF I have accumulated over the last few years. It’s insane.
**You know what else is insane? The number of bug bites on my feet and legs. Anybody have any little tricks to keep the mosquitoes away??

**Moving in with my boyfriend! It’s funny, I thought it would *feel* maybe I would notice a shift in our immediate universe. But it doesn’t at all, feels totally normal. :) Plus it’s super great seeing him everyday.
**Brian’s Dad and step mom coming down to help us move!
**Our friends coming to help me move AND bringing a horse trailer for all my shit!
**Memorial Day grillin’ (and bags) with all our happy helpers!
**Audio books! I have Spanish for Dummies & The Paris Wife. :)
**Brian getting up early and making me breakfast yesterday. So sweet!

xoxo, kass

P.s. Still time to be a sponsor (which just means ad swapping with me!) If you are currently up there and want to remain, just let me know!

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