June 22, 2012

Foto Fridays!

Something new on the blog, yep! I’ve decided that some friday’s I’ll do my Friday Favs and others I will share some of my photos with you! This week I’ll be doing the latter as I’ve been hauling my camera out more lately. These photos are actually from a year ago, ha.  BUT I just got them uploaded to facebook and the ones I was planning on sharing aren't done being edited.  So yea, enjoy!

 All of these photos were taken at this house.  I had driven by it everytime I went to Brian's and thought it looked cool.  Eventually, I talked him into going there for some photos.  
Good thing too, because they tore it down!

being impatient silly

Is it just me or does this house belong in a horror film?

Oh and by the by, you can stalk my photography on facebook if you like. :)

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