June 20, 2012

Style Log: Hippie Tracks

 [dress/thrifted :: belt/f21 :: necklace/modcloth :: sandals/old]

I’ve come to realize that my blog has made a major [unintentional] shift...that I’m okay with. I haven’t done a style post in so long! Or a recipe post...which I would still like to do both on occasion. I have some outfit photos just waiting to be shown and I have one recipe to share. I should probably get on that. I also have some random photography I’d like to share and some not so random photography. Seriously, I need to get organized, it’s hard to find time for all the stuff I want to get done AND I’m still not unpacked from moving! Life.

Brian took these photos for me, not bad! It was nice to have them taken them for me, but I’m not going to lie...I kind of like taking them myself. I feel more relaxed or something (no offence hunny!). Regardless, it was still fun to do the shoot together and it was kind of fun editing photos I didn't take! :P Brian also made some comment about me going for a “hippie” look. Which I suppose is the case, I’d call it boho-chic but it’s all the same as far as I’m concerned. Regardless, I was comfy and cute - the perfect combo.

I do think I’ve found my new photo location. These tracks are a couple blocks from the house and are semi-remote, right on the edge of town. I mean the neighboring house can watch me, but I won’t come across too many other people, so that’s cool. :)

xo, kass

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