June 15, 2012

Lovely Ladies...that you should know :)

So, I was going to call this post Swapper Spotlight...but all the sudden that sound gross to me.  Right?  Anyway, here are a couple of the lovely ladies that have done an ad swap with me!  They rock and thus deserve a little extra notice, be sure to go say hello!!

My name is Meghan Sara, I'm a wannabe actress in New York City! My blog, Adventures in Mediocrity, is full of random delights from my life, pop culture, and The Big Apple! 

  There are a small handful of blogs that I make a true effort to read each day and this is one of them!  Meghan Sara is witty, funny and just down right entertaining!  Beyond that I find her writing to be incredibly relatable with a seriously honest voice.  I'm quite sure that if I ever met her in "real life" (lol) that she'd be super personable and we'd be insta-friends!  So for real, go read her blog.  Now.


Hello, all!  I'm English, and I blog over on Be Freckled.

I don't have children, I don't do much crafty DIY projects, and I rarely invent new recipes, and hence don't blog about any of that.  So if you visit, you'll probably see examples of my photography passion, book reviews, and some travel posts as I explore Germany [where I currently live] and surrounding countries.  I'd love to have you pop over to say hello if you get the chance!  I can also be found on Twitter if that's more up your alley.

Blogging is definitely a creative outlet for me, but also a way to meet some wonderful people.  Other blogs I read as often as possible are Joyness SparklesLWLH, An Unstyled Life and Red Writing Hood.  They are women I talk to often, and read with dedication.  I would love to share my enjoyment of these blogs with others, so please let me know if you decide to follow them as well!  Then we can giggle over how awesome they are :)

I'm a new follower of Be Freckled and I think English is straight up adorable!   Plus, seriously how cool is her name??  Her writing is sweet and definitely comes from the heart!  She has some great photography and two really, REALLY cute dogs!  Plus, what can I say...she's a ginger.  :) 

Jane Caroline
blog :: twitter :: instagram @janecaro

May 18th I married my college sweetheart Clayton, & together we're exploring what the heck it means to be married. So far it mainly consists of pizza, books, Dave Ramsey, grad school, & attempts to be athletic, but we try to feel like grownups. 
Our first year of marriage will be spent with 600 girls when we move into a girls' dormitory as I serve as Resident Chaplain in August. My heart & any free time is in an inner-city community just across the river (literally). I write about life and faith... & why faith is sometimes downright hard, but oh so worth it.

Her fav blogs are: Today's Letters, Mere Words of Love, The Daily Inspired  

I have literally read Jane's blog for like...a day! :P  However, she's a beyond adorable newlywed who lives her life by some solid beliefs, and I get the impression that she's a "stick to her guns" sort of girl which I can totally respect!  From what I've read I would also describe her as sweet, caring and supportive.  I think she's super cute and I'm guessing you will to!


Hope you all enjoyed meeting some lovely ladies!  I love meeting new people and helping other people meet new people, ha!  So, if you're up for an ad swap just let me know!

Have a great Friday!
xo, kass

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