June 27, 2012

Some Inspiration: The Great Gatsby

Let’s talk about one of the Greatest stories of all time, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. If you’ve never read this book, then you’ve been living under a rock...or must hate reading. This was one of those books that I had to read for english class or some crap and I actually ended up loving it. It’s been made into a movie already with the lovely Mia Farrow and Robert Redford (actually there are several Gatsby movies), but there will be a new one out this December...and I can’t wait! Now, I haven’t told Brian this part yet, but I think it would be super fun to get all dressed up for a date night...inspired by the film of course. AND, as my Who What Where eNewsletter informs me, retro - specifically the roaring 20s, is totally in. Ha! :P (This is a bit of a side comment, but I thought if I ever get married I might like to do a Gatsby sort of theme, so yea.)

For funsies I made a couple outfits with Polyvore. Two of them are possibly affordable options made up of clothes from Modcloth and Ruche. The third is silly pricey and made up from searching on Polyvore. Ha!

And here, after all that might as well watch the movie trailer! :)

xo, kass

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