September 30, 2011

Friday Inspirations: Green & Teal

Teal & green are hands down my two favorite colors. I’ve been playing with the idea of putting them together for a room palette for a year or so now. Suddenly, it seems like these two colors are everywhere! Yay, awesome! So, I’m not crazy, they do look good together right? Right! 

I’m sure by now you are all very aware of a little amazing website called Pinterest. If not scoot on over and join! (Is it open for anyone to join now? If not, let me know and I’ll send you an invite!) So, every Friday I will be doing a little inspiration post, with the help of Pinterest. This week’s inspiration theme is GREEN & TEAL, woot woot! 

                                                                     Source: via Re:modern on Pinterest

                                                                             Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

                                                                     Source: via Disco on Pinterest
                                                                Source: via Kayla on Pinterest

                                                                     Love the avocado green!!

                                                  Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
Source: via Liz on Pinterest
Great print!!!

                                                     Source: via Oni on Pinterest
Source: via e on Pinterest
Okay, so not a room, but still...gah-orgeous!!

                                          Source: via Pam on Pinterest

Have a great weekend everyone!!

peace, kassie

September 29, 2011

DIY Book Wreath

Hello All!

My little business trip went very well, but now I am back to the regular grind. Anyway, how about a DIY post?

Okay, so I have been seeing these Book Page Wreaths all around the blogosphere and I absolutely love them! After looking at a couple different styles, I finally decided on the one by Living with Lindsay.

I essentially followed her instructions, so I won’t go into much detail. I’ll just give you a quick over view and show you some fun pictures!  Be sure to check out Lindsay's blog post for a full tutorial!
What I used:  A couple books, some spray paint for the edges (sort of like in Lindsay's), a foam wreath, hot glue gun
 This is that first step where you glue the rolls to the back first, then flip it over and start adding more to the wreath. 
 Getting a bit fuller now...

I do think I made mine “tighter” so to speak, b/c I definitely ran out of book! I had another book that I sorta filled some spaces in with. I’m pretty happy with the result, but I have a feeling I’m going to add a bit more to the center to cover up some ugly parts. You can’t really tell in the picture, but in the center you can see where I glued some pieces. I'm not going to lie, took much longer than I expected, but I used a larger wreath.  For the loop to hang it I plan on just used some hemp twine I have. I think it will look nice with the book pages. Then, since I rent and don’t want holes I will be using a 3M removable hook and attach it to the inside of my door. I’m not 100% sure I'll like it there, I may put it on the adjacent wall. Anyway, if you have any questions about what I did, or any thoughts/suggestions, just let me know!

For now, I’m off to work on another project - one that has been in the works for awhile. I can’t wait!

peace, kassie

September 26, 2011


Don't you just love Mondays?  Don't you just love sarcasm even more?  Haha, nah Monday's aren't so bad!
Sso what shoes did I end up getting?


I haven't spent a lot of time in them yet, but at first test they are pretty comfortable.  Please remember that comfort [especially when referring to shoes] is completely relative.  These are 4 inch platforms, so I'm not expecting to win a dance marathon in them, but I'll be able to handle them for the wedding, the pictures and at least part of the reception. :)

I also wanted to take outfit photos today, however my sweater dress got all stretched out and looked frumpy by quitting time.  What is that about?  I don't know enough about fabrics to shop accordingly, but I hate when clothes stretch tremendously throughout the day.  So, as 4 o'clock hit on this lovely Monday I was wearing a teal sack synched with a belt. Eck.  Although, my outfit did start out cute and it was super comfy and simple.  A definite go-to for the fall months, so I recreated it on polyvore for you! :)

Sweater Dress Outfit

I'm going out of town for a conference for a couple of days, so I'll see you later this week. Hopefully, by then I can get up the photos and some notes on a DIY project I did! Yippee!!

peace, kassie

September 23, 2011

Shoe Shopping?

Hello All!! TGIF right?! Actually, I thought the week flew by, which was nice, but I didn’t get much done.

This weekend the boyfriend and I are headed over to the nearest normal sized town [50-60 miles!] to do a little shopping and hit a sports bar for the Hawkeye game. This little trip was prompted by the fact that I need red heels! Yes, you read correctly. Need, not want. Not that I mind having red heels, but this is not a luxury trip.

You see, I’m in my friend’s wedding this October [coming up fast!] and I was told to get red shoes for it. I am very thankful she is letting us pick out our own, but I have put it off and put it off! I just need to get it done! I found a picture of the dress we are wearing and I used polyvore to look at a few ideas. What do you think? I want the shoes to be under $50, which is why most of those are from Target!

Lindsay's Bridesmaid Shoe Ideas

How important do you think it is for the red on the sash and the red in the shoe to match? The dress is being altered at the moment, so I won't have it with me to compare. Thoughts?  I really like the ones in the upper left, but they are too pricey just for a wedding  Although I would probably wear them again, so maybe I'll splurge.  Otherwise the one center left, lower left corner and lower right corner are my favorites.   I guess we'll just have to see what I can find in my size!

Some other things I plan on picking up this weekend....
-glitter glue for my nails [see maegan manicures!]
-Spray paint for a project that I will be soon as I finish it!
-Foam wreath for another project I'm planning!

Yay, Hobby Lobby here I come!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

peace, kassie

September 22, 2011

Swing along

Yes it's Thursday already, the week is flying by.   I will get a real post in tomorrow, but for now enjoy a photo.  This is our album cover, cool right?

I'm joking! I have no band and thus no album, but it reminds me of a band photo :). This is just me and some friends.  We found this old (and some what creepy) playground and decided we needed to take pictures. :)  Have a good Thursday!

Peace, kassie

September 19, 2011

Weenkend Update!

Hello lovelies!  Happy Monday!  :)

I had an awesome weekend!  The boyfriend and I headed to Iowa City to watch the Hawkeyes play!  This was my first ever football game and my first ever tailgate!  It turned out to be a blast! More on that in a minute, but first...SUSHI!  

[clockwise from top left: Surf & Turf, Maki Captain Crunch Maki, Spicy Yellowtail Maki, Yellowtail Nigiri, White Russian Maki]

Who knew I’d like it so much?  Seriously, I am an incredibly picky eater.  Brian, the boyfriend, is hellbent on making me try new things and so far he is succeeding with flying colors.  My favorite on the plate is the one in the front left corner, the White Russian.  I can’t remember everything that was in it, but I know for sure there was tuna, because I didn’t think I liked tuna.   We also had some Saki and this salt soybean appetizer.  All in all it was loads of fun and very yummy!  I’ll definitely be trying sushi again.  Oh and the reason I said the real first time I tried sushi didn’t count is because there was too much pressure!  Brian’s entire family was watching me try to pick this thing up [with chopsticks] and get it any my mouth, and it was only my 2nd or 3rd time meeting the family.  I basically just choked one down and then I was done, so yea, that didn’t count. :)

Saturday we got up kind of early to tailgate then went to watch the HAWKEYES!! :D  The game pretty much sucked until the 4th quarter when miraculously the Hawks turned it around and won the game!

Apparently, it was a history making game because it’s was the largest comeback they’ve ever had.  The Hawks were down by 21 points, then somehow turned it all around and won it 31-27.  Let me say, that last quarter was crazy exciting and our seats were right in line with the scoring end, so we had a great view.

LOTS of happy Hawkeye fans!

Sunday we had the drive back home, but first we had brunch with Brian’s step mom and dad AND my parents.  Yep.  The parent’s met, well some of them anyway.  There was lots of potential for awkwardness, but everything went very well.  Plus, I was pretty stoked just to spend some time with my parents.  Oh, and the brunch buffet was pretty darn satisfying. :)

Hope you all had great weekends as well! Talk to you soon!

peace, kassie

September 16, 2011

Out of towner

Just saying a quick hello...and also I had sushi!  First time ever and I loved it. (well technically its the 2nd time, but I don't count the first...more on that Sunday!)

Hope all your weekends are off to a great start!

peace, k

Sweet Fall...& some gooey brownies!

I know I promised the first “real” post last night and did not deliver.  I apparently lied...or did I? Maybe I’m just fashionably late.

In any case, fall is in full swing here (or at least through the weekend) and I’m loving it!  Since we are all new here you probably don’t know that I live in the midwest. Yep.  I generally enjoy it. I get bored easily, so all the crazy weather changes suits me well. However, if I could change one thing it would be to make fall about 6 weeks longer.  What’s not to love about fall?  Cool & crisp, football, hockey, comfort food, comfort clothes and pretty fall colors.  To say that I love fall is a severe understatement.

I should have taken some outfit pictures yesterday and today, because both days I was more than presentable and very much dressed in fall spirits.  However, I did not and do not have time today, so instead I will win you over with a fantastic brownie recipe.  We’ll be best friends after you make these, trust me.

Best Brownies EVER

You’ll Need:
13x9in pan
1 cup melted butter
1 cup of unsweetened cocoa
2 cups of sugar
2 eggs
½ cup apple sauce
1 tsp baking powder
4 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
1-2 cups of additions - this can be whatever you want (m&ms, marshmallows, Reeses pieces,
     butterscotch, nuts, etc] or you don’t have to add anything!


1.  Preheat oven to 350°F
2.  Grease the 13x9 pan
3.  In a large bowl combine melted butter and cocoa.  Mix until cocoa is dissolved.
4.  Add sugar and mix well.

5.  Add eggs and stir well.
6.  Next add the apple sauce and baking powder. *Note: This is instead of an additional 2 eggs.  You could just use 4 eggs instead if you want, but I’ve never made it that way.
7.  Add vanilla and flour.  Mix until you can no longer see the flour, but be careful to not over mix.

8. Fold in your Add Ins if you have any.  I know the recipe calls for 1-2 cups, but just add as much or as little as you want!
9.  Spread into pan and bake approximate 25-30 minutes.  Be careful not to over cook, put a toothpick in them to test, it should come out with gooey crumbs, but not runny.


I apologize for not getting any finished pictures, but let me tell you that once you taste these guys you will forgive me.  They are super moist and fudgy - the perfect brownie! 

I'll be gone for the weekend, so I probably won't see you until Sunday late or Monday.  The mister and I are headed to a college football game - my first ever, GO HAWKEYES!

Enjoy your weekend!

peace, kassie

September 15, 2011

Hello there

I’m guessing you found our way onto my blog via twitter or my facebook fan page.  Or possibly because we are real life friends! :)  In any case, thanks for stopping by!
Ginger Flair is my little blog project that I started awhile ago...then life got in the way.  I had some fun ideas and such all ready, but never posted them.  Well, I’m back and feeling motivated!  [let’s just hope I don’t eat those words in a couple weeks!]
At this blog you can expect to see a little bit of everything.  I’m not exactly sure of the direction it will take, but I’m calling Ginger Flair a lifestyle blog! :)  You will definitely be seeing some photo posts, because that’s one of my big hobbies [plug for myself! FB FAN PAGE].  I also expect you’ll see some posts on baking, style, and hopefully some DIY’s.   I of course love feedback and suggestions, so if there is anything specific you want to see just let me know!
I’ll be back later with the first official post!  It’s going to be yummy!
peace, kassie