September 19, 2011

Weenkend Update!

Hello lovelies!  Happy Monday!  :)

I had an awesome weekend!  The boyfriend and I headed to Iowa City to watch the Hawkeyes play!  This was my first ever football game and my first ever tailgate!  It turned out to be a blast! More on that in a minute, but first...SUSHI!  

[clockwise from top left: Surf & Turf, Maki Captain Crunch Maki, Spicy Yellowtail Maki, Yellowtail Nigiri, White Russian Maki]

Who knew I’d like it so much?  Seriously, I am an incredibly picky eater.  Brian, the boyfriend, is hellbent on making me try new things and so far he is succeeding with flying colors.  My favorite on the plate is the one in the front left corner, the White Russian.  I can’t remember everything that was in it, but I know for sure there was tuna, because I didn’t think I liked tuna.   We also had some Saki and this salt soybean appetizer.  All in all it was loads of fun and very yummy!  I’ll definitely be trying sushi again.  Oh and the reason I said the real first time I tried sushi didn’t count is because there was too much pressure!  Brian’s entire family was watching me try to pick this thing up [with chopsticks] and get it any my mouth, and it was only my 2nd or 3rd time meeting the family.  I basically just choked one down and then I was done, so yea, that didn’t count. :)

Saturday we got up kind of early to tailgate then went to watch the HAWKEYES!! :D  The game pretty much sucked until the 4th quarter when miraculously the Hawks turned it around and won the game!

Apparently, it was a history making game because it’s was the largest comeback they’ve ever had.  The Hawks were down by 21 points, then somehow turned it all around and won it 31-27.  Let me say, that last quarter was crazy exciting and our seats were right in line with the scoring end, so we had a great view.

LOTS of happy Hawkeye fans!

Sunday we had the drive back home, but first we had brunch with Brian’s step mom and dad AND my parents.  Yep.  The parent’s met, well some of them anyway.  There was lots of potential for awkwardness, but everything went very well.  Plus, I was pretty stoked just to spend some time with my parents.  Oh, and the brunch buffet was pretty darn satisfying. :)

Hope you all had great weekends as well! Talk to you soon!

peace, kassie

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