September 15, 2011

Hello there

I’m guessing you found our way onto my blog via twitter or my facebook fan page.  Or possibly because we are real life friends! :)  In any case, thanks for stopping by!
Ginger Flair is my little blog project that I started awhile ago...then life got in the way.  I had some fun ideas and such all ready, but never posted them.  Well, I’m back and feeling motivated!  [let’s just hope I don’t eat those words in a couple weeks!]
At this blog you can expect to see a little bit of everything.  I’m not exactly sure of the direction it will take, but I’m calling Ginger Flair a lifestyle blog! :)  You will definitely be seeing some photo posts, because that’s one of my big hobbies [plug for myself! FB FAN PAGE].  I also expect you’ll see some posts on baking, style, and hopefully some DIY’s.   I of course love feedback and suggestions, so if there is anything specific you want to see just let me know!
I’ll be back later with the first official post!  It’s going to be yummy!
peace, kassie

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