September 16, 2011

Sweet Fall...& some gooey brownies!

I know I promised the first “real” post last night and did not deliver.  I apparently lied...or did I? Maybe I’m just fashionably late.

In any case, fall is in full swing here (or at least through the weekend) and I’m loving it!  Since we are all new here you probably don’t know that I live in the midwest. Yep.  I generally enjoy it. I get bored easily, so all the crazy weather changes suits me well. However, if I could change one thing it would be to make fall about 6 weeks longer.  What’s not to love about fall?  Cool & crisp, football, hockey, comfort food, comfort clothes and pretty fall colors.  To say that I love fall is a severe understatement.

I should have taken some outfit pictures yesterday and today, because both days I was more than presentable and very much dressed in fall spirits.  However, I did not and do not have time today, so instead I will win you over with a fantastic brownie recipe.  We’ll be best friends after you make these, trust me.

Best Brownies EVER

You’ll Need:
13x9in pan
1 cup melted butter
1 cup of unsweetened cocoa
2 cups of sugar
2 eggs
½ cup apple sauce
1 tsp baking powder
4 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
1-2 cups of additions - this can be whatever you want (m&ms, marshmallows, Reeses pieces,
     butterscotch, nuts, etc] or you don’t have to add anything!


1.  Preheat oven to 350°F
2.  Grease the 13x9 pan
3.  In a large bowl combine melted butter and cocoa.  Mix until cocoa is dissolved.
4.  Add sugar and mix well.

5.  Add eggs and stir well.
6.  Next add the apple sauce and baking powder. *Note: This is instead of an additional 2 eggs.  You could just use 4 eggs instead if you want, but I’ve never made it that way.
7.  Add vanilla and flour.  Mix until you can no longer see the flour, but be careful to not over mix.

8. Fold in your Add Ins if you have any.  I know the recipe calls for 1-2 cups, but just add as much or as little as you want!
9.  Spread into pan and bake approximate 25-30 minutes.  Be careful not to over cook, put a toothpick in them to test, it should come out with gooey crumbs, but not runny.


I apologize for not getting any finished pictures, but let me tell you that once you taste these guys you will forgive me.  They are super moist and fudgy - the perfect brownie! 

I'll be gone for the weekend, so I probably won't see you until Sunday late or Monday.  The mister and I are headed to a college football game - my first ever, GO HAWKEYES!

Enjoy your weekend!

peace, kassie

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