September 30, 2011

Friday Inspirations: Green & Teal

Teal & green are hands down my two favorite colors. I’ve been playing with the idea of putting them together for a room palette for a year or so now. Suddenly, it seems like these two colors are everywhere! Yay, awesome! So, I’m not crazy, they do look good together right? Right! 

I’m sure by now you are all very aware of a little amazing website called Pinterest. If not scoot on over and join! (Is it open for anyone to join now? If not, let me know and I’ll send you an invite!) So, every Friday I will be doing a little inspiration post, with the help of Pinterest. This week’s inspiration theme is GREEN & TEAL, woot woot! 

                                                                     Source: via Re:modern on Pinterest

                                                                             Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

                                                                     Source: via Disco on Pinterest
                                                                Source: via Kayla on Pinterest

                                                                     Love the avocado green!!

                                                  Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
Source: via Liz on Pinterest
Great print!!!

                                                     Source: via Oni on Pinterest
Source: via e on Pinterest
Okay, so not a room, but still...gah-orgeous!!

                                          Source: via Pam on Pinterest

Have a great weekend everyone!!

peace, kassie

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