December 2, 2011

Friday Favorites: Jewelry Organizing!

My next little project is going to be getting my makeup area in my room organized! Seriously, it’s constantly a mess and also not very cute. I have a vanity {aka. old desk} that has drawers and such for my makeup, but my jewelry {and hair stuff, which is another problem for another day} just ends up running wild. I was feverishly searching pinterest for some ideas and I thought I’d share favorites with you.

Source: via Kassie on Pinterest

I have a frame with some webbing in it for my earrings already, but it was thrown together and needs some attention - and color. However, I love the tiered trays here! I could easily recreated this with some fun glasses and plates from the thrift store! {it’s taking everything in me to not run over there at lunch!}

I never thought of using a wine bottle to hold my bracelets! I have a few really pretty bottles I’ve saved and now I know why!

I’ve always like the idea of using door knobs for necklaces, but I never thought of using pulls for earrings, I like it! Much easier than the netting stuff I’m using now.

I just think this is super pretty! I’m not sure that I’ll use it, but I still like it! Do you guys have any ideas?

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