December 1, 2011

DIY Gifts Sneak Peek!

How are you guys coming on your holiday shopping? I’m done with the buying stuff part, now I just have to make some things! I thought I’d just give you a quick sneak peek of what I will be working on! :) (This should be safe to do here, because as far as I know none of my family members know about this blog!)

I’ve seen these for awhile and thought, Hey! I could do that! So, I went around and took pictures of “letters” and made some words for a few family members. I made them up in photoshop then had them printed through I’ll definitely share my versions at some point. :)

Yes, I will be attempting to construct this guy soon. Hopefully this weekend! You can find the tutorial on the 7 Layer Studio blog!

I just think these are great! I love totes and by making them myself I was able to pick very specific fabrics! I even found a print with cute giraffes to make one for myself. :)  You can find this one on the Purl bee!

Again, such a simple but great idea! My towels always end up on the floor! I bought some fabric to make a few of these for the grandmas, but I also plan on using some of the apron scraps to make a couple matching ones for that gift! Tutorial on Pin.Sew.Press!

Make this Irish Creme liqueur for my dad! It will be perfect for Irish coffee! I also plan on making a batch of Cinnamon infused vodka (starting it tonight) and possibly pineapple infused vodka as well. There will definitely be a tutorial post for those - super easy!  Recipe for the Irish Liquer is on!

Is anyone else making any gifts?

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