December 5, 2011

Health Report: Snacking!

For me, one of the hardest parts about eating healthy is my snacking! I have the bad habit of snacking at work and it’s usually not the healthiest food. A lot of the time I buy those 90 or 100 calorie granola/cereal bars. They aren’t horrible for you and can be a good source of fiber [if you buy the fiber ones], but I get tired of them. Plus, I have a really hard time getting enough veggie and fruit servings in though out the day. Which is not because I don’t like them, I love fruits and veggies! I think I just tend to forget to add them to my meal. Even when I do have some veggies with dinner I’m still not getting enough for my daily serving. In light of this, I think I’m going to try to plan my snacks ahead and include more veggies and fruits!

Here are a few of my ideas!

Fruit Smoothies

I’ve already done this actually! Check out this ladies blog for directions on prepping your own smoothie baggies!

Celery & Peanut Butter

Be sure to use low fat PB!

Broccoli & Baby Carrots with Light Ranch

Really, this could be any veggies with ranch, soooo good!

Apple & Orange Slices

Actually, any fruit by itself us great...bananas, strawberries, grapes, and kiwi! You could also mix in some almonds with the fruit for something a bit different.

What are your favorite healthy snacks?

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