August 22, 2012

Style Log: Yellow Teal Color Blocked

  [top/chico, thrifted :: jeans/mossimo via target :: shoes/so, from mom]

Man, it’s been a long time since I did an outfit post. In all honestly, I’ve just been too hot to care. It’s so hard to dress for hot outside/freezing in the office weather. It usually resulted in my grabbing the nearest sweater not always cute. I did have a few cute outfits though! Cute [and out of the box, for me] enough that I want to recreate them for the blog, so I’ll be doing that soon, hopefully.

So, how do you like my sweet ass color blocking? I absolutely love this shirt! Got it at a second hand shop up in Spirit Lake, it’s so comfy and so pretty. I’m also loving my color jeans - they are “dressy” enough to wear to work and I lost enough weight that I had to buy them size down. It was pretty exciting. :)

Oh, and yes that is a sock bun. It was harder than I thought to get up, damn layers. I think with some more practice though that it will become a workday’s just so cute and office appropriate. Or at least I think it is.

[btw, got some crazy freckle action happening, lol]

Speaking of hair and what’s appropriate, how do you all feel about pigtails?  
I saw this status post and feed on facebook and it was straight up some shallow, cruel, shit...hatin’ on pigtails. I’ve been rocking the double braids a lot this summer. I mean, I don’t do the high up pig-pony tails like a little girl, but I’ll do low loose ones, or two buns. What’s so wrong with that? The feed was going on about how childish it was and people should just grow up already. I hardly think wearing your hair in pigtails says much (if anything) about your maturity level. And if it does, well...I [the pigtail wearer] wasn’t the one gossiping and being a straight up rude about a stranger’s hair style. :)

xo, kass

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