August 24, 2012

Photo Shoot : Elise

I had my first paid photo shoot two weekends ago and it was awesome! I got a taste of what it feels like making money doing something that you have a passion for. It’s pretty sweet and has me thinking of all sorts of ways to actually make it lucrative enough that maybe I’d be able to change my work situation in a few years. ::fingers crossed::

Anyway, Elise is a little sister of my friend and she contacted me about 6 months ago to do her senior photos. Then a few weeks ago she asked if we could do some in her Kimono this summer and do the rest in the fall. Of course I said yes! Anyway, here are a few of my favorite shots! Also, the kimono isn’t random - she comes from a military family and was born on a base in Japan. :)

Don't forget to be a fan! :)

Have a great weekend!
xo, kass

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