August 6, 2012

Music FUNday!

Have ya’all been listening to the amazing bandFUN?

I can’t get enough of them! Seriously, they are the definition of “perfect summertime music”! Also, my friend informed me that the lead singer, Nate Ruess, is from The Format (which is another band I enjoyed).

Anyway, have some Fun. on this tired Monday. :)

The first time I saw this video is when I was finding it for this post - it is not at all what I was expecting!

What’s with the cereal? Ha, love it!


P.S. Oh man, sorry for the hiatus! Everyday last week I meant to post, but we’ve just been so freakin busy, which resulted in me being exhausted. Thus the week off. To be honest, it was needed, BUT I’m back now. :)

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