July 27, 2012

Friday Favorites: Wedding Hair!

I’m out of town this weekend...AGAIN. Seriously, summer is always insanely busy, amiright? I’m actually already out of town - last night was Brian’s niece's grad party and the rest of the weekend will be filled with wedding stuff as his sister is getting married! Oh! And his mom will be meeting my family on sunday, so yea jam packed!

I generally quite enjoy weddings, even when I don’t know a lot of people. It seems like at weddings everyone just wants to have a good time, so I end up making friends for the night. I have the dress and shoes, now I shall just decide on hair! I’ll probably just end up being lazy and wear it down, but here are some super cute summer wedding styles for you to lust over with me! :)

                                                                                Source: kouturekiss.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                           Source: camillestyles.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                           Source: barefootblonde.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                         Source: ohsoprettythediaries.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                      Source: thebeautydepartment.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                           Source: everythingfab.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                   Source: ritzybee.typepad.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                                 Source: refinery29.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                            Source: whippycake.com via Kassie on Pinterest

                                                                Source: myyellowsandbox.blogspot.com via Kassie on Pinterest

Can ya tell I like braids?? So pretty! 

Have a great weekend!

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