May 4, 2012

Style Log: Red & Black Abstract(nine)

{Shirt/Kohl's, thrifted :: Skirt/thrifted :: Cardi/thrifted :: Mary Jane Heels/Kohl's}

Not much to say today, except it's friday!! Woot!  My weekend will be spent packing mainly and hopefully (if it doesn't storm or rain) we'll take a break from the packing with a picnic.

It's starting to really set in that I'm moving.  It's like, hey you're going to be out of here in 3 weeks.  Seems crazy.  I mean, I'm no stranger to moving, I moved a lot during college, but I have been at my current residence for the past three years - the most I ever stayed anywhere else was a school year (if that)...except for my parent's house of course.  My girlfriends are coming up for a visit my last official weekend here, it wasn't planned just sort of worked out that way.  So, it will be kinda of fun to have a last little hoorah and say goodbye to the cute little duplex that I've learned to call home. :)

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