May 3, 2012

Style Log: Lime & Lace (eight)

{lace top/f21 :: teal cami/f21 :: lime cardi/merona, thrifted :: slacks/kohl's :: gladiators that I should have took a better picture of/gifted}

Holy humid weather!  We are in summer storm mode now.  Super muggy and constant threat of severe storms and/or tornadoes!  Not gonna like, with the exception of the tornado weather I love this time of year...we even had some sun rain earlier.  You know...when it's super bright out, but then just randomly rains for like 5 minutes.  It feels like an oxymoron. lol.  
You're probably wondering why I'm wearing long sleeves if it's so humid, well that's because for whatever reason the air is blasting at the office and I freeze my ass off all day! The secret is LAYERS. :)
Oh, mom made the point to tell me the I was doing lots of great color blocking and that was in right now.  I love that my mom is up on trends! :D  Plus, to be honest I hadn't even thought of it as color blocking - I just try to get dressed in the morning. Ha!

Oh and guess what?  It's almost the weekend!
Have a great day!
xo, kassie

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