April 30, 2012

Style Log: Lime & Navy Polka Dots...and big news(five)

{top/old navy :: cardi/thrifted :: pants/kohl's :: flats/payless}

 SO, I can finally tell you my good news!  
I'm moving in with Brian! :D

We've been looking for a place since forever (okay, since decemeber, but that's a long time!) and we've had zero luck.  First off there aren't a lot of options in small town USA and secondly I have a dog and people aren't to keen on having renters with pets...even though I'm an awesome tenant! That's actually the reason I couldn't mention this sooner, we were waiting for the okay on Theo.  Anyway, we crunched the numbers and it's actually cheaper if I just commute from his place...so that's what I'm going to do!
Now, the commute is going to be a bit rough (an hour), but it's not like an hour in traffic...it's an hour on a couple county black tops, lol.  I'm fine with the commute, but I've been getting a bit of judge-y reactions from people which is driving me CRAZY.  If you aren't going to be nice and/or supportive (or at least pretend to be), then just don't say anything at all!  For some reason, it's assumed I would like their opinion - when I would not.

Ack, this is getting negative.  Back to positive...Brian and I are taking the next step!
Yay for us!!  <3

Happy Monday

P.S. Oh by the by, did I mention that the Grace Potter & the Nocturnal's concert was AMAZING.  Cuz it was. :)

April 27, 2012

Style Log: Simple Black (four)

{Sweater/Gap, thrifted :: Skinnies/a.n.a :: Boots/target :: Scarf/gifted}

This outfit is my go-to.  Not necessarily these exact pieces...but the equation for them.  Neutral shirt + skinnies + boots + scarf.  It's just so effortless and looks great at the same time.  I wore this out to dinner and drinks when my family was up last weekend (yea, I'm behind on posting, ha!)

I do not have the good news that I thought I might...still waiting for an answer.  Looks like it could be less than great news now, but such is life, eh?  However, I will keep my chin up - why you ask?  Tonight I'm going to see Grace Potter & the Nocturnals!!  They are one of my favorite bands at the moment so I'm totally stoked!  Ohh, and while we are up in Minnesota we are going to go to this tapas restaurant...which is totally out of the box for me (I'm a super picky eater!), but I'm excited!  I'll try to remember to take photos of all the interesting food, so my instagram will probably be busy. :P

Okay, well hope you all have a great weekend!!

April 26, 2012

Style Log: Red Abstract (three)

 {Shirt/thrifted :: Cardi/Kohl's :: Jeans/Lee :: Flats/Payless}

I know today is usually Awkward/Awesome Thursday, but this week has been a blur...so moving on.  I do have some Awesome's though, so I'll get to those in a few.  First, the outfit...super comfy and simple.  At first I wasn't sure about wearing red and purple together, but after seeing the photos I like it! 

Okay, some awesome's.  My family came up for a visit this past weekend!  That was pretty awesome, even thought the weather didn't cooperate.  And I have another awesome, but I just realized that I probably shouldn't say anything quite yet.  For real though, I should be able to tell you tomorrow.  It's pretty exciting...for me anyway. :P

xo, kass

April 25, 2012

Style Log: In the Jungle (two)

{Sweater/f21 :: Khakis/kmart :: Scarf/gift :: Belt/kmart:: Flats/Payless}

Outfit 2 of the challenge, so far going strong! Ha!  I generally don't wear this scarf (even though I really like it!) because it's short and makes my hair static-y!  I played around with it for a bit and figured out a way to make it work for me...and the rainy day kept away the static! Yay!

As I've been hunkered down with a bad cold I don't have any exciting news (yet, but that could be changing soon...), so I will leave you here and go eat some yummy enchiladas!

Happy Tuesday!

April 24, 2012

Style Log: Pretty Pink (One)

{Shirt/Old Navy, thrifted :: Skirt/thrifted :: Shoes/Kohl’s :: Necklace/gift, it’s Bolivian silver, interesting!}

Both of these items were thrifted a day or two before I started this challenge. The necklace and shoes were gifted, so you are looking at an outfit that cost me $6 dollars. Ha, unless you count my underclothes! Which actually probably cost more than the outfit! TMI?

My family came up to visit this weekend. The dreary weather made our attempts at boating and fishing a bit pathetic, but we still tried and we still had fun! We also went out for dinner and drinks one night, thrift shopped and I made a yummy mexican dinner last night [unfortunately no food pics, meh]! I love having my family up, but I hate when the leave! It always sucks. :( It always makes me re-realize that I couldn’t live much farther from them than I do now. Please help me remember this for those times I think I want to find jobs on the coasts or somewhere equally far away. Craziness. Besides, I’m a midwest girl through and through. :) Sure it may be 75 degrees one day and 52 the next (for real, see the 15th & 16th http://www.weather.com/weather/monthly/USIA0015), but who wouldn’t love that?

Hope your weekends were also fantastic!

April 23, 2012

30 for 30 Challenge...again?

Am I crazy? I must be. I loathed this thing last time, seriously. However, thoughts of doing this have been haunting me for the past couple of weeks. It’s a different season, I have different clothes to wear...and I’m a bit braver with my style now. I’m evolving...{but not out of my corny tendencies, har har}. Anyway, the decision has been made, so don’t try to talk me out of it. {Wait, are you sure you don’t want to try? For real, it wouldn’t be hard...}. Le sigh. So here we go...

9 Tops...
Pink blouse/Old Navy, thrifted :: Pink Cami/f21 :: Red/Black Abstract Tshirt/Daisy Fuentes, thrifted :: Black ¾ sleeve sweater/Gap, thrifted :: Rust Short Sleeve sweater/f21 :: Navy Polka Dot Blouse/Old Navy :: Ivory Lace Long Sleeve Blouse/f21 :: Sequin Black Tank Top/Charlotte Russe :: White button blouse/gifted

5 Pants
Skinny Jeans/a.n.a, J.C. Penny :: Boot cut jeans/Lee ::Black cuffed slacks/old, thrifted :: Khaki Slacks/thrifted :: Bright Blue Skinny Jeans/f21

3 Dresses & 2 Skirts
Button down dress/Maurices, thrifted ::Neon Orange knit dress/f21 ::Striped Dress/Shirt, thrifted
Black flare skirt/thrifted ::Zebra pencil skirt/thrifted

4 Cardis
Black Shrug/Gordman’s (old!) :: Cream Shrug/Kohl’s :: Lime Cardigan/Merona, thrifted :: Purple cropped Cardi/Kohl’s

7 pairs of Shoes
Brown Boots/Merona, Target :: Black Mary Jane Heels/Kohl’s :: Grey heels/Target :: Tan Sandal heels/Kohl’s :: Brown flats/American Eagle for Payless :: Teal Gladiators/gift :: Black Flats/Payless

Also, this will probably take me longer than a month to post. Mainly, because I don’t plan on blogging on weekends, but I will continue with the challenge. In fact if I’m being totally honest, I’m already on like Day 5 on the challenge. :P Maybe I’ll double up on some of the posts, or only post my favorites and then do a recap of all at the end? Okay, now I’m just thinking out loud and this post is too long as is. 

Enjoy your Monday :)

Music Monday: Chantal Claret

**UPDATE** I was contacted by Chantal Claret's rep who provided me with some more current and correct information (as well as the photo below).  In light of that, I decided to update this post! :)

As I was listening to Slacker last week, I came across a great new artist (well new to me), Chantal Claret. 
She is the former frontwoman for a band called Morningwood  (the 13 year old in me thinks that’s hilariously awesome!...okay, the 27 year old me chuckles too.), and now is branching out on her own. Chantel's rep sent me a bio that had lots of direct quotes from her...and I gotta say, she seems pretty awesome!

Her debut album The One, The Only... is set to be out June 19th, and you can hear the single "Bite Your Tongue" here. (which is apparently written about "an utter piece of shit"! love it!)  Chantal describes her album as "...Tina Turner fronting Outkast at Bette Midler's bat mitzvah". haha!  She says, "I wanted to make music that sounds like it could've been written in the '60s or '70s, but with a big fat hip-hop-like low end...".  Apparently, her love for for upbeat 60s music started back when she was 15 and used to sneak into mod clubs, lol!  In any case this chicah seems pretty entertaining and she sounds amazing - so be sure to keep an eye on her!

[I’m not going to lie, the video below is probably not suitable for young eyes!]

Her website doesn’t have much at the moment, but you can also find her on Facebook.

April 20, 2012

Recipe: Pasta Carbonara with Kale

Thought I'd share a recipe with you this Friday.  I got this one out of Williams-Sonoma Weeknight Fresh & Fast cookbook...and then just altered it to my liking!  I LOVE this cookbook...and the pictures are super pretty! :)

What You Need:

Multigrain Pasta, 6-8 oz
Kale, 1 bunch, chopped
2 large Eggs
Parmesan Cheese, 1/2 cup grated or shredded
Romano Cheese (or some other cheese, I used Mozzarella), 1/2 cup grated or shredded
Black Pepper

What You Do:

  1. Bring a pot of water to boil, add pasta and cook for 5 min.  Then add kale and cook for about 5 minutes longer (until the pasta is done).

2.  While the pasta is cooking, beat the eggs in a small bowl.  Mix in all your cheese and add pepper to taste (be generous with it!).

3.  Save 1/2 cup of the pasta water for later.  Drain pasta and kale then put it in a frying pan.

4.  Whisk 1/4 cup of the reserved pasta water into the egg cheese mixture.  Add the egg mixture to the pasta in the pan and put on low heat.  Stir continually until the sauce becomes creamy, then remove from heat.

Serve immediately, makes about 2 servings!

April 19, 2012

Awkward/Awesome Thursday!

(me as a dorky child..I think that's a gourd next to me)

  • Omg, my monday was a real MONDAY (read: pain in the ass). I spent most of my working day research one stupid little problem. AND I dropped a huge book (like you find in the Recorder's office of a County - cuz that’s where I was, ha) on my foot! Luckily my big toe was up to the challenge. 
  • I called my boyfriend’s step mother by the wrong name...eek. That would probably be due to the martini incident you’ll see below... lol. 
  • I’ve been considering doing another remix challenge...gah, what is wrong with me? 
  • Not being able to sleep due to a super sore/scratchy throat. Argh, crabby Kassie definitely made an appearance this week. 
  • Burning my forehead this morning with my curling iron...and we’re talking like 2nd degree burn here. It blistered immediately and it was right before I had to leave for work. Luckily, my co workers were much less frantic than I and directed me the first aid kit that contained burn gel. Thank god! So, now I have a lovely bulls-eye (seriously that’s what it looks like) right in the middle of my forehead...but luckily I have nicely curled bangs to hide it. Ha! 

  • My family will be here tomorrow for a nice weekend visit!! 
  •  Last weekend we went to Minnesota for a wedding and also saw a lot of Brian’s family...and we even got to surprise his mom, it was a blast! 
  • On said MN weekend...I ordered a martini & apparently at this place they make a whole shakers worth for you. The waitress told me it would be about “3 shakes”...it ended up being 5 and then some. Which also was a bit awkward, but mostly awesome. 
  • I found some more great deals at the thrift store, including a like new pair of Banana Republic shorts...for 3 bucks!! First shorts I’ve bought in about 5 years... 
  • We bought tickets to see Grace Potter & the Nocturnals next Friday. Can I get an...Ooo La La! :D

April 18, 2012

Style Log: It's Only my Soul

{everything I’m wearing is old or thrifted, lol. I think the shoes are newer and from Kmart. :) }

“It’s only my soul, it’s only my heart, it’s only love” -Only Love, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals

Something about this skirt {or maybe the whole outfit} makes me feel like a "hippy".  Not in the 70s protesting and free love sort of way...but just in the I-feel-like-I should-be-running-through-fields-barefoot-and-possibly-knitting-something sort of way.  :P

Last weekend Brian & I went up to Minnesota for a wedding and visited with some of his family. It was lots of fun. Oh! And the wedding had dueling pianos for their music/entertainment! Isn’t that the coolest idea?? Not that I’m planning on a wedding anytime soon, but that is something I will put in the bat caves of my brain for “future reference”. They even played us some Al Green, so Brian & I got to dance to our song. :)

I’m also in a super great mood today! Why? I randomly checked their tour schedule and saw that one of my fav bands is playing nearby next friday!! I snatched up tickets right away and now will be seeing Grace Potter & the Nocturnals next weekend! Eeeeeeee! I’m so freaking excited, it’s ridiculous! AND it’s at a smaller venue, which makes it that much better. So, I’ve basically been rocking out to GP&N non stop this week. 

Oh one more random...my family will be up for a visit on Friday!!! That deserves another exclamation! Eeeeeee! I have lots of things to be happy about this week. And I hope you do too! 

Happy Wednesday!

April 16, 2012

Music Monday: JJ Grey & Mofro

I discovered JJ Grey & Mofro through iTunes believe it or not. I don’t know what they iNamed it, but that sidebar thing that suggest songs you may like based on what’s playing..yea JJ Grey came up on there. I honestly don’t have a clue what I was listening to at the time, but I’m glad I did! I could sit here and recap the bio on their website, but why don’t you just go read it instead. Oh and apparently they have a little documentary too, so I’ll be checking that out! And if you don’t feel like reading or watching, then just know they are from southern rural Florida and JJ’s voice is gonna rock your socks off. For realz. I’m hoping to catch them in MN or WI this summer. Or hey, JJ, if you’re reading my blog how about you hit up the midwest a bit harder? [coughIOWAcough] ;)

April 13, 2012

Friday Favorites: Ink Inspiration

I know I've done a Friday Favs on tattoos before, but I love 'em!  Besides, this post isn't just tattoos I like, these are all tattoos I'm pulling inspiration from.  I'm hoping to get a new one by the end of the summer (but who knows really :P)!

Oh and on a very important side note...today is my beautiful mother's birthday!!


Source: tumblr.com via Kassie on Pinterest

*I've been toying with the idea of starting a sleeve for the last couple years, I just don't know where to start!  I like this abstract design. :)*

*Not only do I Love the above quote, I love the design.  It's simple and delicate and also very lovely*

*"Oh what a mess, but everything amends" - apparently this quote is from a song [that I don't know] and I love it.*

*Simplicity.  Love the location and the words*

*LOVE this.  I believe I will be getting a similar tattoo at some point, but not this location*

*MAPS!  I will definitely have a map tattoo at some point...and I do like this location, but I'm not sure for work*

*Another, gah love the idea of the map! But I think I would like some shading in it...*

*More map love!  And I really like this location.  Hmm....*

*Love this!  I really want a giraffe tattoo and this is an interesting idea.*

*great quote, great font*

*I've been wanting a white wrist tattoo for a while.  But I like the idea of having someone I love write the word and using their handwriting for it. Most recently I'm thinking about having my mom write "strength" for me. :)*