April 23, 2012

Music Monday: Chantal Claret

**UPDATE** I was contacted by Chantal Claret's rep who provided me with some more current and correct information (as well as the photo below).  In light of that, I decided to update this post! :)

As I was listening to Slacker last week, I came across a great new artist (well new to me), Chantal Claret. 
She is the former frontwoman for a band called Morningwood  (the 13 year old in me thinks that’s hilariously awesome!...okay, the 27 year old me chuckles too.), and now is branching out on her own. Chantel's rep sent me a bio that had lots of direct quotes from her...and I gotta say, she seems pretty awesome!

Her debut album The One, The Only... is set to be out June 19th, and you can hear the single "Bite Your Tongue" here. (which is apparently written about "an utter piece of shit"! love it!)  Chantal describes her album as "...Tina Turner fronting Outkast at Bette Midler's bat mitzvah". haha!  She says, "I wanted to make music that sounds like it could've been written in the '60s or '70s, but with a big fat hip-hop-like low end...".  Apparently, her love for for upbeat 60s music started back when she was 15 and used to sneak into mod clubs, lol!  In any case this chicah seems pretty entertaining and she sounds amazing - so be sure to keep an eye on her!

[I’m not going to lie, the video below is probably not suitable for young eyes!]

Her website doesn’t have much at the moment, but you can also find her on Facebook.

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