April 24, 2012

Style Log: Pretty Pink (One)

{Shirt/Old Navy, thrifted :: Skirt/thrifted :: Shoes/Kohl’s :: Necklace/gift, it’s Bolivian silver, interesting!}

Both of these items were thrifted a day or two before I started this challenge. The necklace and shoes were gifted, so you are looking at an outfit that cost me $6 dollars. Ha, unless you count my underclothes! Which actually probably cost more than the outfit! TMI?

My family came up to visit this weekend. The dreary weather made our attempts at boating and fishing a bit pathetic, but we still tried and we still had fun! We also went out for dinner and drinks one night, thrift shopped and I made a yummy mexican dinner last night [unfortunately no food pics, meh]! I love having my family up, but I hate when the leave! It always sucks. :( It always makes me re-realize that I couldn’t live much farther from them than I do now. Please help me remember this for those times I think I want to find jobs on the coasts or somewhere equally far away. Craziness. Besides, I’m a midwest girl through and through. :) Sure it may be 75 degrees one day and 52 the next (for real, see the 15th & 16th http://www.weather.com/weather/monthly/USIA0015), but who wouldn’t love that?

Hope your weekends were also fantastic!

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