November 16, 2012

Top 5 Friday: On the Road Tunes :)

A thought occurred to me...would anyone be interested in doing a link up with this? Might be fun to get some more people involved. So yea, let me know. :)

This week...

Top 5 Fall Commuting Songs {ie. the songs I listen to most often while I drive to work, lol}

1. Off to the Races - Lana Del Ray

2. Lucky Strike - Maroon 5

3. Love Love Love - Of Monsters & Men

4. Stars - Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

5. This Is What Makes Us Girls - Lana Del Ray

What are some of your current favs??

xo, kass

 P.s. If you want to link up for next friday, I’m thinking for a topic....Top 5 90s Artists! :)

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