November 7, 2012

Style Log: Seeing Stars

{top/modcloth :: blazer/target :: pants/thrifted :: shoes/maurices}

Life has been uber crazy lately. We literally were out of town every weekend for a month. We were home the last couple of weekends (but I had to work one saturday for election stuff) so that was nice. Then hopefully my family will be up to visit next weekend - which I'm pretty excited about, because its the first time since I moved in with Brian. They passed through once, but that doesn't count since I didn't show them around at all. :P

I got this top when modcloth was having that huge ass 70% off sale - so this outfit shouldn't be too bad cost wise. It has a bit of a strange fit, but I still like it...and it’s something different for me, so that’s good!


Top $12
Tank $4
Blazer $20
Slacks, thrifted $5
Shoes, gifted $0
Necklace $6

I will admit that some of those numbers are guessing, I've had the necklaces and pants for YEARS.

Anyway, peace out

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