November 12, 2012

Life Lately & Weekend in Pictures


 All food & poop, yep pretty much my weekend! Ha, no that poop page is from my Paleo book.  Sure it's funny as hell, but it was also very informative. :P

Reading... Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo.  It's awesome...if you've never heard of the Paleo lifestyle or "Caveman" lifestyle, ha, I suggest looking into it.  This book is a great place to start, it's informative in an interesting way and I'm really enjoying it.
Watching... We started The Walking Dead on netflix...omg, okay every - I.GET.IT.  This show is flippin' amazing!
Listening to... a lot of 8tracks playlist.  This site is pretty sweet!  I'd recommend this one, this one & this one.  Oh, and definitely this one. :)
Working on... some more photos (my bestie modeled for me for practice) & the family recipe book. Yep, I had no idea how huge of a project that was going to be.  Ha, it's going to be awesome when it's finished!!
Loving... that I have this lovely Monday off.  Thanks Vets for your service and all that you do above and beyond! :) Also these grain-free Blondies, this cape and this party dress!

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