October 3, 2012

SL: That Fall Feeling

[cardigan/old navy :: sweater/f21 :: cords/kohl's :: boots/target :: necklace/modcloth]

Ohmygosh, I love fall weather.  I know everyone and their brother keeps saying that, but I can't help it.  It's just so wonderfully cool outside.  Not cold, cool.  Perfect.

I've been sitting here trying to write an interesting blog, but my mind is totally blank.  
So here...look at this photo of my dog flashing you. 

Haha, but otherwise isn't he adorable?! :)

On a separate note, I'm really trying to get organized and figure out a way to make photography a lucrative hobby.  I'm a transplant to my current town and I don't work here - so I don't know many people.  I have some ideas for marketing online...but I'm also thinking an ad in the local paper might be in order.

What do you think? Any ideas?

xo, kassie

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