October 10, 2012

Good Intentions

I always have good intentions...but bad follow through. I wonder if this makes me an unreliable person? Sometimes, probably. I keep meaning to write a blog, but then I just don’t. Time gets away from me so quickly, so easily. I keep meaning to work on some holiday gifts, but then I get sidetracked. I keep meaning to work on my skirt, but then I think I don’t have enough time to complete it, so I don’t start it.


I need to work on my follow through.

I writing this blog earlier in the day and I am going to promise myself that I’ll post it when I get home. [See, totally did it!]. Since I feel like I’ve been a little MIA, why don’t I take this time to update you on my life? Because I know we are all best friends and you do care. :P

Last weekend we went up to Wisconsin to visit Brian’s mother. Holy moly it was cold...and it even snowed on us a smidge. Just a smidge, but still. While we were there she took us to an apple festival, again cold, but fun! I wish I had more pictures, but alas I do not. I think I have some on my actual camera, I’ll have to look soon...ha.

 Aren’t we cute all bundled up? Btw, there is rum in that cider and even though my boot broke right after this (unrelated to the booze!) it was super, super yummy! The fall colors up there were gorgeous. Apparently many of the leaves had already fallen, but I couldn’t tell. His mom sort of lives in the middle of nowhere...actually she lives in a national forest (which I had no clue you could do) and it’s just insanely pretty and peaceful. Sure there are houses and a few bars, restaurants and lodges around the lake, but there is just so much nature that is untouched by man. It has a completely different feeling and I like it. I definitely wouldn’t mind living somewhere like that, at least for a few years. I’m sure I’d get bored with it eventually, but it’s just so amazing to see nature at it’s finest like that. I really enjoyed it.

Anyway, I’m going to go enjoy the cool outdoors before it gets dark. I have a walk date with Brian & Theo.

Oh and here’s two more photos just cause. My cute shoes and my cute dog! :)

  p.s. those shoes were $9.99 at kmart - and I used my kmart dollars or whatever, so they were really only $6. AWESOME!

xo, kass

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