September 14, 2012

Style Log: Breezy Basics

[white shirt/thrifted from my grandma’s closet, ha! :: pink tank/thrifted, maurices :: skirt/thrifted :: flats/american eagle by payless :: shades/kmart :: watch/gift :: belt/with dress]

As I’ve probably said more than once now...I have a long commute. 50 miles, one way. Yea, that’s love for ya. :P Anyway, on this commute I pass several places that I think oh hey, that would be a good spot for photos. This was one of those places. Now...if I could just remember my camera more often I could try some other spots!

Lemme tell you, this is one cheap outfit. I’m going to add it up for you, because...well because I can.

White Shirt, Watch, Belt $0
Pink Shirt $3
Skirt $3
Flats $12
Shades $9

See, it’s totally possible to be cute and thrifty! I’m actually willing to bet that most days my outfits were created for under $50 - although I do have a few pricier items. Hmm, maybe I’ll start doing a cost break down to see. Could be a fun experiment!

While I love these summer, breezy outfits I’m beyond ready for fall. The weather keeps getting cooler, than spiking up for a few days. I just live for those cooler days when we can keep the windows open. Especially at night when we’re asleep. I sleep so much better when it’s chilly in the room! Plus, I’m so ready for fall foods...thick, creamy soups and shepherd’s pie, yum!

Sigh, soon enough it will be winter, so I suppose I should stop wishing away my summer days!

xo, kass

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