September 26, 2012

SL: Something Blue

[dress & belt/jc penny :: necklace/gift :: shoes/blowfish :: ring/f21 :: bracelets/gordmans (i think)]

NOTE: Please excuse my shitty phone pics, I forgot my actual camera!

Even though it's pretty much feeling like fall around here, we have had a couple randomly warm [hot] days.  On one of these warmer days we were headed to the wedding of one of Brian's friends - when we got lost.  Yep.  We have since discovered that we need to work on our "going with the flow if we get lost" skills.  Frustration trumped us that afternoon and sadly we missed the majority of the wedding, but it was non-religious and thus only about 10 minutes long, so we really weren't that late.  Another friend of Brian's was officiating, so we got to see the last bit where he announced the couple.  It was still cool!  

The reception was really pretty and fun...and I'm pretty sure I was at a "hipster" wedding, lol!  No judgement here though, it was held in this huge round barn and they were getting polaroids of all the guests as we came in. Ha, it was super cute.  Oh and the bride had this adorable 50s vibing dress on - like I said super cute.  Since I didn't really know the couple I don't have any photos of them, so my dress photos will just have to suffice! Oh and are we loving my new shoes or what?  I know I am!  Although, like two seconds after this I tripped on some old barbed wire fence in the ground and gouged my shoes...and my foot.  Ah, what I go through for silly photos! :P

Oh, and I thought I'd just share my pretty cat eye makeup.  Seriously, it takes me so long to do that shit, but I love it!  Also, my face is not actually orange [see first picture!] - I think there was just something reflecting on me.

Cost breakdown anyone?

Dress/Belt     $25
Shoes            $30
Necklace        $0
Ring                $2
Bracelets         $0
TOTAL        $57

First outfit on the blog over $50!  And not by much!

Okay, I feel I've already begun to ramble or am about to start.  Have a great day!

xo, kass

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