September 6, 2012

Holiday photos! :)

Oh. my. gosh.

Where did all my free time go? Out the window apparently. Anyway, I had a crazy, busy, fun Labor Day weekend, did you? We headed up to Chicago for the Iowa/NIU game and it was AWESOME. I’m obviously a Hawkeyes fan. :) Okay, so photos!

tv in the bathroom mirror
This hotel was way too fancy for in the bathroom mirror, lol.

kyle and I
We rented bikes and mine was named Kyle.

Brian & Eliza
Brian’s was named Eliza!


bike ridin face shot

view from bed
view from hotel room!

just a walk to dinner

Brian tried the oysters, I did not...I think they look like giant boogers. :P

This on the other hand was amazing!

I’m not sure when a bucket of booze is a good idea, but definitely not the night before a busy day!

hawkeye marching band
Brian’s niece is a freshman and made the Hawkeye Marching Band!

At the game

the bean

train ride home

Meet Mimi. I fed her. Yea, no big deal. HA, yea right! Lemme tell you, THAT was awesome! :)

my little bro’s bday dinner
my little bro’s bday dinner, ha! he turned 18!!

hot doggies

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend as well!

xo, kassie

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