August 20, 2012

Latest Obsession: Lana Del Rey

Okay, so I’m back for good. I was contemplating not blogging anymore, BUT I changed my mind. I just have to remind myself to not feel guilty or stressed or bugged or whatever if I miss some posts here and there. And to help with that, I will be abolishing Music Mondays, Friday Fotos, etc etc. Well, not completely. I’ll probably still share music with you on some mondays (I am today!), and favorites/photos with you some fridays, but I’m also leaving those days open for whatever else I want...allowing the blog to morph and grow a bit. I like planning, but planning with a looser structure will be better for me. So, moving on... 

I just discovered Lana Del Rey last week. I was on Amazon and I think she popped up because of something else I’d bought or listened to, or I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t even care I’m just glad I found her. She’s a-ma-zing. I have been listening to her non stop, I literally listened to her new album 2-4 times everyday last week. I’m not even sure how to explain her sound. Mainly, because I’m not a music expert (ha), but also because it’s unique. Wiki uses the word “cinematic”. I think there’s a definite 60s/70s feel to her music. I’d also describe many of her songs as...haunting. Her lyrics are pretty great too. Enjoy.

Oh, and she’s gorgeous. 

Some videos for your viewing pleasure!

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