July 13, 2012

Friday Favorites: Crafty Rooms

**I swear this was scheduled to post yesterday...oops!**

Brian is going out of town for a wedding this weekend, so I’ll have the house to myself for a bit. Which is, you know, bittersweet. He’s a teacher, so no work in the summer, which means he has time to himself all day all week long. I love him lots and like being around him, but I’m used to having A LOT of Kassie time. So, basically what I’m saying is I’m going to take Saturday to get some stuff done I’ve been putting off...like finishing unpacking! Yes you read that right, we’re into month two of cohabitation and I still have a huge pile of boxes in the basement. I desperately want to get my sewing/craft area set up - hopefully I’ll actually do it! Mine won’t look anything like this, because it just going to be set up in a damp, dark basement, but a girl can dream...

Happy Friday Y'all!!
xo, kass

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