July 20, 2012

Friday Favorites: Camping!

Oh it's that time of year again folks, yes it is.  Time for what you ask? Time for Camp Trip 2012!!
You see, I live far from home.  Not as far as some of you, I assume, but its about a 4.5 hour drive back, so I don't do it often.  Luckily, I have awesome friends and we all do our best to keep in touch.  And one of those things we do is a yearly camping trip!

Don't be too impressed, we aren't very rustic.  We found this awesome state park that has "camper cabins" that are air conditioned, have a microwave, table and chairs, a futon and bunk beds.  Sure, we spend most of our time outside [read: eating and drinking], but it's nice to have somewhere cool to sleep. 

I've been a camper all my life...tent and big ol' winne's :P  I practically grew up on the Mississippi River...well okay, I did because I lived a mile from it most of my life.  HOWEVER, when I was a young child we camped nearly every weekend in the summer.  So basically, I got this camping thing down.

Here are some of my favorites [and necessities] for a successful camp trip! Of course these are just in addition to those other things that are obvious: pillow/blankets, personal items, clothing [ha], and extra shoes, socks and undies!
*please forgive me for being a lazy bum and just using pinterest for images.*

Sunblock, Bug spray and big sun hat!

S'mores fixins'!

Definitely need firewood, since we cook all our meals over the fire [kabobs this year!].  Check out the park rules first though, often you can't bring wood over state lines!

Apples to Apples...and any other fun games you like!

Beach necessities!  This includes: Swim suit, big ass beach towel, crappy sandals, beach cover up and something to read!  And maybe a big beach umbrella! :P

And of course, several coolers of beer. :)

Enjoy your weekend!!

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