May 1, 2012

Style Log: Purple, Orange and Schnoodles (six)

{Dress/f21 :: Cardi/kohl's :: Necklace/f21 :: Flats/payless}

Last night I started cleaning and such. I started in the was gross and terrifying.  I have lived in my duplex for 3 years now and have never cleaned out my garage.  Never.  So I had all these boxes out there from when I first moved in [most empty, but some had newspaper] and they had all sorts of dead bugs and what I think were spider eggs?  I know I could google it to find out, but it freaks me out too much to do that. Eck.

I swear the inside of my house is not as terrifying and gross...except for maybe the basement.
Out of sight, out of mind, amiright?  Anyway, if you all have any moving tips I will graciously accept them. :)

Another cool thing...I actually did my hair! Ha!  It's sort of falling out a bit here, but you get the gist. :P

I really just loved this outfit!  The two pieces fit so well together and I'm loving the colors...but not as much as I love my chubby adorable dog!!

Have a great day!!

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