March 1, 2012

Sweet Love

Today is Brian and I’s ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!

Yes, we have “officially” been dating for one year! Man time flies! For those of you who have been with your mate for awhile, this may sound like no big deal,...or maybe it does? I feel like I will probably always remember that first one, right? In truth, this date, March 1st, isn’t a completely accurate record of our time together {haha}, but it’s close.

We met and had our first date on February 16 in this dippy Mexican restaurant in a town that was halfway between us. I remember thinking he looked cuter than in his picture {lol} and that he was shorter than I was expecting {double lol}. Later, I learned that he thought I had lied about my height - I had 3 inch heels on. Oh, I should probably mention that we met online {through}. I used to be embarrassed about doing the online dating thing, but when you are a transplant to a very small and very clicky town, well there aren’t a lot of options. Besides, it’s impossible to feel any sort of shame for doing something that introduced me to Brian. :)

Our second date, he came up to my town and we had dinner and drinks at a local pub. We were having a wonderful time, getting along great, finding out we had so much in common...then when I was laughing at something he said I ended up spilling half my beer on him. Yeah. He handled it gracefully, but I was still insanely embarrassed. Even with the beer spilling, we stayed and talked for like 3 hours and he asked if he could see me again. I left this date knowing that I had found something special.

My mother always told me that when I met the right guy I would just know. She was right. Just in case I needed another sign, he sent me flowers at work the next day. :)

Happy Anniversary Brian!  I love you lots!
I look forward to us celebrating many more. <3

Love, Kassie

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