March 21, 2012

Style Log: Hunger Mad Men Games :)

{Top/a.n.a via JC Penny :: Skirt/Thrifted :: Tights/Kmart :: Shoes/JC Penny}

When I put this outfit on I felt like I was channeling Joan Harris {Christina Hendricks} from Mad Men.  You know, but without all the sexy curves.  I think it's the cut of the skirt that seems "retro" to me.

Anyway, I apologize for the mini hiatus, it was unintentional.  Life just gets crazy sometimes!  I went home for St. Pat's this past weekend - did you all have a good celebration?  Brian and I went, and we took some friends with us.  It turned out to be tons of fun {albeit exhausting}!!

In other news...who's excited for the Hunger Games movie on Friday?!   THIS GIRL!!  For real, sooo excited.  I'm even planning a themed date night for it!

Have a good Wednesday!

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