March 14, 2012

Style Log: Breezy Afternoons

{Top/Kmart :: Jacket/Kohl's :: Jeans/Thrifted, Gap :: Shoes/Sonoma via Kohl's :: Scarf/Walmart}

Yes, it was a breezy, but beautiful, afternoon.  And by breezy I mean windy.  And by windy, I mean crazy insane wind that nearly knocked me over numerous times.  Brian actually took these photos for me, he still doesn't quite "get" the taking outfit photos thing, but he was a good sport! :P We attempted to grill later that night, even with the wind we got it done!  By the time our beer butt chicken was done {lol} we decided to eat inside, but it was super yummy!

Oh and also...I have a giveaway over at Eternal Optimist's blog today, so go check it out!! :D

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