March 12, 2012

Music Monday: Forgotten?

This past Friday I was rocking out with Slacker Radio at work. Generally with Slacker {or Pandora} I’ll just type in an artist and go from there. However, this time preset stations caught my eye... “Great Songs You Forgot”!! It turned out to be pretty sweet! I mean, sure there were a few that I skipped over, but I think that there were only a couple I didn’t recognize. Either way, I was instantly taken back to my early high school days! Which I realize can be a mixed bag of emotions (haha!), but in this case it was fun and I definite was reminded of some great music I forgot about! So in light of that lovely afternoon, I thought I’d share a few favorites I heard!

So, I am slightly embarrassed to say that I thought this was a band name - I never realized this was just one dude! No doubt the song you will immediately remember is “Save Tonight" from his debut album “Desireless” (1997). And really, that’s the only song I remember. Although, I was checking out his website and he has released many albums, so I think I will have to do some more listening! Oh and cute story I read on wiki (so who knows...) - apparently he was named Eagle-Eye because when he first looked at his father, Don Cherry, it was with one eye closed. :)


Oh man, oh man. I LOVED this band in high school. Actually, wait back up...I have their album “All the Pain Money Can Buy” on CASSETTE TAPE. Yep! So...that may have been circa middle school for me, lol. You almost certainly of heard their song “The Way” which was apparently based on the disappearance of an elderly couple. Interesting. In any case, I loved that entire album...hmmf, I wish I still had a tape player. Or, maybe I should just buy the digital version, ha!


This band was super popular back in the day, what ever happened to them?  Apparently, they have been a band since 1992, that's crazy!  In '92 I would have been in second or third grade, lol.  Anyway, I really loved their song "Buddy Holly", but you also probably remember them for "The Sweater Song" and "Say it Ain't So".  They did release an album in 2010 of already recorded songs that they never used, probably worth checking out!

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