February 22, 2012

Style Log: Gleefully Spring

 {Slacks/Thrifted :: Shirt/Vanity, gifted :: Cardi/Kohl's :: Shoes/Merona via Target}

 Sorry for the lack of posts lately!  I meant to write yesterday {since I had it off!}, but I ended up busy doing all sorts of random things.  It was actually pretty productive.  I think I may have spring fever, because I'm drawn to yellow and other bright colors lately!

Man, I'm having a major writers brain fart.  Probably doesn't help that I'm watching Glee.  Anyone else love that show?  I could ramble on about all the reasons that show is so great, but I won't bore you.

Oh crap.  Did I just give away that I write my blog posts the night before??  
Oops. :/


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