February 13, 2012


Artwork: Annie Preece Website/Facebook

I have to be honest, I’m feeling overwhelmed lately. For lots of reasons, but it’s mostly because I’m trying to make some pretty significant changes in my personal life {which I will elaborate on more when/if they happen}. I also have tons of other things I want to do - some projects, focus on photography, play my guitar more, KEEP MY HOUSE CLEAN, and keep this blog. Put that on top of the whole boyfriend-living-an-hour-away and I’m just out time. I’m not getting to do all the things I want and it’s obvious to me now that I need to cut some things back {or out} and make some priorities.

To start, I’m going to cut back my blog posts. I generally post 5 times a week, but it’s just too much for me to keep up with. I think I’m probably going to cut back to 3 times a week, which also means I probably won’t do the Recipe and Friday Favorites posts every week, but I’ll still do them. I think doing this will help me feel less overwhelmed and provide you with better quality posts. Plus, I will actually be able to get some of my DIY projects done, so that I can share them with you! If you just have to have you daily fix of Ginger {lol}, then be sure to follow my twitter. I will be posting more of my daily tidbits there. Also, I think I need to trim down my daily blog reading, seriously! There are just soooo many amazing blogs out there...and my list just keeps getting longer and longer. Sigh.

Like I said above, I really want to focus on my photography. I have all these books and never any time to read them. I want to learn the ins and outs of the equipment and all the technical jargon, because I believe that will help me become a better photography. And, of course, I want to practice it more. Blogging less will allow me to do that and focus on taking better photos for the blog {hopefully!}.

One of the most important things on my plate right now is getting my damn house clean! Excuse my language, haha! That’s just how frustrating it is too me. I do little spot pick ups...or just throw it all in my spare room. WHICH, is supposed to be my craft room as well. SIGH. This weekend I did make a lot of progress on my spare room, but it still needs more work as does the rest of my home.

I could always use an extra pair of hands, any takers?! :)

xo, kassie

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