January 3, 2012

Style Log: Date Night in the City

{Top/Old Navy :: Tank/F21 :: Pants/Lauren Conrad via Kohl’s :: Ring/Kohl's, gifted  :: Boots/Merona via Target}

  If you follow my Twitter account, then you know I’ve been having a great holiday season! I had Brian snap a few quick outfit photos in our hotel room before we headed out. I think he did pretty good considering the extra crappy lighting we were dealing with! Plus, he basically picked out this outfit for me. :) I thought maybe it was too much blue, but meh, I like it anyway.

This top may have been a little chilly for the ice skating and walking around St. Paul. However, I was grateful for the loose fit and stretch pants when we had dinner at Pazzaluna! I loved everything about this restaurant from the vibe to the service to the amazing food! For real, if you ever get to St. Paul please go splurge {it’s pricey, but totally worth it!} and have dinner here. You won’t regret it!

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