December 18, 2011

Birthday Girl :)

Yes, today is my birthday. How old do you have to be before you can act all offended when someone asks your age? I don’t think I’m quite there yet, plus I doubt I’ll ever be offended by that question. Go ahead and ask me, it’s okay, promise. … I’m 27! Last year, I thought hey I’m just barely over 25, no biggie. This year I feel like, oh man ...almost 30! Obviously, I’m not almost 30 [unless your gage of “almost” is 3 years], but that’s the next “big” birthday and it just feels so close.

I generally a very reflective type of person, especially on my birthday. However, I’m going to try to spare you some of that and just say a couple things...well really one thing that sums up a lot of my reflection. It’s interesting to take a moment and think about where you’ve been and where you are in life. Especially, when you compare it to what you thought might happen or how you thought your life might me. Beware though, this can be a potentially dangerous thing to ponder, but I’m eternally optimistic, so I wasn’t too worried.  In conclusion to this thought, I will say that if you had asked me 10, heck even 5, years ago I wouldn’t not have guessed I’d be where I am today. My life may not be what I had once envisioned, but I’m okay with that. Happy with that actually. All of my choices have led me to this moment in my life and I feel really good about that in itself. Life really is what you make it and I’ve made a pretty awesome one. :)

On a lighter note, last night Brian took me out! We went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie [I love me some Robert Downey Jr.!] and then out to dinner at the Italian Garden. Not the same as Olive Garden, lol. WAY BETTER. It’s what I would call “real” italian food. I had calamari, yummy shrimp pasta and tiramisu!  Then he took me out for martinis!  Great guy right there! :)  Oh!  And for my bday gift he got me a new flash for my camera - for real, great guy!

yummy calamari!



Hope you had a great weekend!

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