November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I’m guessing right about now many of you are sitting down for Thanksgiving supper! I know I am! This year, I am sitting down with my boyfriend’s family...tomorrow we will be with mine. :) I know a lot of people get stressed out around the holidays [I admit sometimes I am one of them], but I really love this time of year. In honor of this wonderful holiday, I thought I’d write about what I love most about this holiday and what I’m most thankful for.

1. I love being able to see my family so much! I’m oddly close with my parents and it’s just great being around them and they rest of the gang!

2. I love turkey, homemade mashed potatoes, corn and my grandmother’s fantastic Grasshoppers!

3. I love getting cozy in front of my parent’s awesome fireplace - I also love the smell of the fire. :)

4. I love playing board and card games with the fam after dinner. A favorite in the past has been Phase 10! This year we are adding some Apples to Apples! Gotta watch out though, my family gets competitive!

5. I love holiday candles! Fresh baked cookies, Apple Cider, Fir Tree...

6. Speaking of...I love having my tree up! The lights from a Christmas tree just set the perfect mood!

7. I love watching all the holiday movies on TV and listening to holiday music (check out the She & Him Christmas album)! [in moderation!]

8. I am thankful for my job. This may seem shallow, but considering how many people need jobs right now, well I’m very happy for mine.

9. I am thankful for my life as it stands. This might sound crazy generic, but honestly I’m happy with my life and I’m so thankful for that. People always seem so dissatisfied with things [and I am too at times], but the thing is you have to make the best of what you have. For the most part, I’ve been pretty lucky in life and when I’m not as lucky I’m good at being positive. I’m very thankful for both of these things...and for where my life decisiveness have led me.

10. Most of all, I am thankful for my loved ones. My family is incredibly supportive and loving. I honestly don’t think I would be where I am today without them. My close friends have also been there through thick and thin. As you get older, you really do discover who those “kindred spirits” are and I’m very thankful for those who have stuck around. Then there is Brian, who I’m extremely thankful for. He’s everything I could have asked for and more. It sounds so corny, but he completes me; he’s my other half and I feel so blessed to have him in my life. Last, but not least, Theo - my dog. He’s my little man, my little buddy and is literally there for me whenever I want or need him. He is the definition of unconditional love. :)

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