November 7, 2011

#15 Halfway There!

Holy cow, I’m halfway through my 30 for 30 challenge!! To be honest, I’m a bit shocked I’ve made it this far. For the past week or so I’ve had to have a pep talk with myself nearly everyday. Now, that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I have much more drive to see it through! However, I don’t plan on doing this challenge again any time soon...or ever. Ha! I do think I will try Feathers & Freckles 10 & 2 challenge. It will be a bit less intense and still help me learn to restyle my closet [and appropriately fill my “Donate” box].

On the outfit, I love this dress, but never wear it [obviously, it’s #15 and you are seeing it for the first time!]. This is the prime reason for including it in my 30 items. I thought the length might be a bit questionable for work, but that’s what dark tights are for, right? I’ve always subscribed to the rule that wearing dark tights gives you a few inches allowance!  Also, when I see it in the pictures it doesn't look as short as it feels.

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