October 4, 2011

Polka Dots & Buns

 Polka dot skirt, thrifted. White top, gifted from Grandma! Shoes, Target. 

I’m pretty sure I stole this outfit. I know I’ve seen it before, probably on one of the many fashion bloggers I follow. I checked my favorites and can’t seem to find it. I mean, sure this outfit isn’t ground breaking and I’m sure many others have worn it or something similar. However, I personally was inspired by someone to wear it...and I can’t remember where I saw it! How irritating! Oh well. 

 How about those shoes? These are the crazy high heels I bought for my friend’s wedding later this month. I will not lie, these are not the least comfortable shoes I’ve worn. :P Always looking for that silver lining! [which these do have!] This outfit did cause quite the ruckus at work today. The office I work in is pretty casual and it seems If you wear anything other than slacks and a sweater it’s a big deal. I don’t like the strange attention, but I do like dressing cute. 

So...I guess I’ll just go ahead and rock the boat. If I just keep dressing nicely they’ll get over it sooner or later, right? 

Oh, and for the subtle waves I did ...love Maegan’s bun technique. Truth be told, I didn’t watch the video [yet]. I just twisted my wet hair into little buns.

   ...And it worked! 

   peace, kassie

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