October 22, 2011

Friday Favorites: Weddings!

Okay, Friday Favorites, a day late! Why? Because I’m out of town at my good friend’s wedding! Actually, I’m in the wedding and I guarantee you that I’m having a totally blast! I wrote this in advance and “scheduled” it to post. I’m just so nifty like that..ha.

Now, don’t misread this post, I am NOT getting married. However, since I’m at a wedding right now I thought it would be fun to post some wedding type things. My friend is having a fall, rustic wedding and some of these are from her pinterest folder! So enjoy. :)

Source: None via Lindsay on Pinterest
*This is such a cute/neat idea!*

Source: None via Lindsay on Pinterest
*ohmygosh, this is so creative...and much more cost effective!*

Source: None via Lindsay on Pinterest
*wow, gorgeous center pieces!*

*bridesmaid dress, ooo, I call the one on the left!*

Source: None via monica on Pinterest
*soo pretty!*

*love these colors!*


*love this!*

*love this fun casual vibe*

*...and this vintage vibe!*


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