October 20, 2011

#4 Office-ally Teal

Lots of teal going on today. Looking over my 30 items there is a lot of blue/green/teal! Rule for my birthday shopping trip: NO TEAL. For real, I need new colors. I’d really like to try some rust colors and maybe even something in mustard?

I was a little braver today - I took pictures outside of my house, my back patio. I do want to go to this prairie place, however I didn’t think this was the right outfit for that. I couldn’t think of any other places without people, nor do I have the time! My friend’s wedding is on Saturday [and it’s back home, about 4.5 hours away], so I’m crazy busy until then! I volunteered to make some things for her “photo booth”, so I need to do that. Plus, I made her a gift and that needs finishing. I also have a DIY project I’d like to do tonight and I need to bake cookies for my co-workers birthday! Phew! Fingerscrossed that I get it all done!

Oh and yes, my dog is ridiculously adorable...and fluffy!  :)

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